As mankind once he averted climate catastrophe?


2019-12-11 05:20:07




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As mankind once he averted climate catastrophe? Source:

Montreal Protocol mitigated the effects of global warming

In the second half of the XX century the mankind began to throw away into the air of the so-called chlorofluorocarbons. These substances were used in old refrigerators and various aerosol cans. It turned out that they are extremely dangerous for our planet and gradually destroying the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful solar radiation and prevents . To stop the destruction of the upper layers of the atmosphere, the countries of the world in 1989, adopted the Montreal Protocol and banned the use of chlorofluorocarbons. As it turned out, such a drastic step on the part of mankind was not made in vain. Perhaps in this way we have prevented one of the possible climatic catastrophes.

This, at least, say Australian scientists from the University of New South Wales published in the scientific journal article. In their new study, they conducted a computer simulation of the different scenarios of occurrence and development of climate change. In particular, they tested what would happen to our planet in the event of failure of the Montreal Protocol. It turned out that if the manufacturers of refrigerators and aerosols has not ceased to use chlorofluorocarbons on Earth would there have been noticeable changes.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan believes that the Montreal Protocol is one of the best of international agreements

What will happen to the Earth without ozone layer?

You need to mention that the researchers decided to run a scenario where emissions of chlorofluorocarbons not only not ceased, but is increasing annually by 3%. Setting this factor and run the simulation, researchers found that predicted for 2050 a temperature increase of the planet would be much higher than it is today. At the same time became very clear that without the Montreal Protocol, mankind is not able to reduce the large area over Antarctica. But according to the data , the decrease was significant, in 2000, the area of the hole amounted to 24.8 million square kilometers, by 2019 it is only about 9.3 million square kilometers.

the Area of the ozone hole in 2019

According to the climatologist Resava of Goyal, countries have entered the correct contract because the CFC are more potent greenhouse gases than conventional carbon dioxide. He believes that an international agreement not only contributed to the elimination of the ozone hole, but also slow the onset of global warming.

By Australian researchers working perfectly demonstrates the benefits of the Montreal Protocol. This agreement is a good example of that common effort to restrict the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere our planet is really effective. Maybe someday the country will unite again and develop a new plan to mitigate the rapid rise in temperature on the planet.


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