Frequent posting of personal and emotional content in social networks is evidence of psychological problems


2019-12-05 04:40:10




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Frequent posting of personal and emotional content in social networks is evidence of psychological problems Source:

the Era of social networks have brought into our lives a large number of new terms

I'm Sure almost every user on social networks emotional, personal posts friends and strangers. Today posting personal and not devoid of emotion information is called Sadfishing, which translated to English means "sad fishing." Coined the term in early 2019, the writer . Under catfishing Reid defines the publication of sensitive, emotional, personal content in the Internet, the purpose of which is to attract attention or sympathy from the Internet community. In fact, many of us occasionally have catfishing and that's fine. Search attention — a perfectly legitimate thing. However, frequent posting of such content may indicate emotional problems.

Catfishing, combing, ghosting, etc are relatively new concepts that speaks to the lack of studies on this behavior in the Internet. However, according to psychologists, frequent posting of emotional and personal information, that is, advising, talks about low self-esteem, loneliness, narcissism or Machiavellianism (desire to manipulate other people). To understand the true motives of social users by reading their posts, not so easy. Some posts are intended to really discuss an important or sensitive issue, such as depression or generalized anxiety disorder (Gad). Other users can simply share information, not paying attention to what response she can muster. And someone is engaged in sadrisham solely in order to provoke readers.

Attempts to draw attention to yourself

Although each of us can do catfishing from time to time, with the negative reaction of the users mainly face celebrities, especially if they have shared personal information about their problem. Negative comments often turn hostile, as a result, many celebrities have become victims of bullying . But what is the impact on users having even the observation of the abuse on the Internet? In the study, which was published in the journal , scientists have proposed to read the posts of celebrities on Twitter, some of which was emotionally negative. Then they were asked to assess blame whether the celebrity in a negative review that they received. The study showed that how people perceive the severity of online abuse, depends on whether the suffering the user with narcissism, Machiavellianism or psychopathy. These qualities form the so-called . The researchers came to the conclusion that people with severe signs of the dark triad, less sympathetic to celebrities.

filled with quotes and emotional posts

Therefore, man, endowed with pronounced signs of the dark triad are more likely to consider posts less reliable or even catfishing. Moreover, it can be serviceroom himself. The fact that such people are more likely to exhibit the behavior that require attention. But, as in the real world, the lure may reflect a deeper problem, such as a personality disorder. So, histrionicism personality disorder is characterized by a high need for attention starts at an early age. Such people excessively need approval, dramatic, exaggerate and crave appreciation.

What content should not publish in social networks?

Public, confidential or deeply personal information can lead to the fact that people will be strange. A false accusation of someone that he was sad, when he genuinely asks for help and does not require attention, can have a strong impact on the health of that person. But people who deliberately "hunt" should be aware that their actions can potentially affect the welfare of others. The location of the deeply emotional content, for example, serious health problems can cause readers concern, physical or mental stress. Although they can provide people the opportunity to talk about their mental health or other issues, it is important to know that some posts can bring more than good.

Researchers agree that social media users need to think carefully about what they share and with whom. For those who really need help, you may want to contact loved ones in private, as they can provide the necessary support or to share their own experiences. It is also important not to forget the benefits of professional psychological help. However, despite the new term, catfishing — another way to attract attention. However, such searches can have a negative impact both on samfisher and its subscribers.


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