In Australia found a box with dozens of horrible spiders


2019-12-06 21:20:07




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In Australia found a box with dozens of horrible spiders Source:

still from the animated series "the Simpsons"

Today, due to the gradual increase in temperature of our planet and deforestation some species of animals and risk to be on the verge of extinction. To ensure the animals are fit for the conditions of the organization of many countries to create reserves, one of which is Monjebup in Western Australia. His employees have planted trees that may serve as shelter and food source for pygmy possums, but they still are not many and they are not Mature enough to meet the needs of all animals. Therefore, employees of the reserve also had to build a habitable possums boxes, inside one of which was unexpectedly discovered dozens of horrible spiders.

About an unusual discovery edition has told the ecologist Angela Sanders. According to her, once she opened the box for possums and found inside it a bunch of so-called giant crab spiders. Body length of adult individuals of this species of spider can reach 30 centimeters, and poison, though not lethal to humans, but can still cause swelling, nausea, headache and vomiting. While people would scream out in horror, Angela Saunders and her colleagues were only too happy to see such a sight. What's in the boxes for possums bred spiders, means that these homes are suitable for other types of animals.

Those spiders found in the box for possums

How people are saving animals from extinction?

Despite the fact that the box was discovered spiders of different sizes and colors, they are all the same species. External differences are caused only by the fact that the group has both adults and young individuals. According to environmentalists, giant crab spiders are usually hidden under the bark of trees and can live even in residential buildings. However, in the reserve, these places are not enough, so they didn't do nothing but live in a wooden box.

Giant crab spiders also known as the "Huntsman spider", which translated to English means "huntsman" or "hunter"

The fact that a large group of spiders living together is not unusual. Some species of arthropods are choosing this lifestyle in order and easier to produce their own food. However, crab spiders live in a group because it allows them to grow as strong and healthy offspring. This is evidenced by one recent study, which revealed that after staying in such a "family" spiders diverge and lead a solitary lifestyle.

And you know what happens if

Finding a box with spiders, Zapovednik staff have concluded that they help each other to survive in difficult conditions. Arthropods work together to share food and to provide offspring with all the conditions for proper development. Such mutual support among spiders is considered a truly amazing phenomenon.

Pygmy possum, perhaps, the most cute animals in this article

As for possums, they are just not worth it to worry. The fact that in a conversation with journalists, the staff of the reserve was assured that the boxes for housing will be enough for all species of animals and until maturity of the trees they have secluded places for quiet living.


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