We all immortal?


2020-05-05 02:00:18




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We all immortal? Source:

Every day I was horrified to look at the statistics of infections with the new coronavirus in Russia. The numbers are growing with incredible speed. It is already clear that talking about some mythical «the access to the plateau», and especially about the decline in the number of cases — is not necessary. Moscow accounts for about half of all cases in the daily statistics, but it has its objective reasons: the number of people living in the capital, to the number of tests conducted. Today COVID-19 affected all regions of the country in varying degrees, and looking at the velocity distribution in major cities, you can draw only one conclusion: the virus is very contagious and easily transmitted. If the city or region identified several cases of infection, it will not stop. More precisely stop then you can, but you need to follow certain measures in the first place if possible to stay at home. But it seems that we are immortal — and therefore to sit at home some people don't want.

On the pages of our website in almost any article we write that in current situation the best remedy — is self-isolation. Most people products can be taken home. It's not even necessary to communicate with the couriers, everything is done without contact. Any other ways to get infected simply does not exist. The vaccine wait at least until early next year, but even with it nothing clear. Who will do it? In what quantities? How to inoculate the entire population and is it possible to do in principle? And if so, to instill a will by force? The number of people who do not want to be vaccinated (for various reasons) would be very noticeable. This and the conspiracy theorists and many who do. These people are a potential threat even in the era invented the vaccine. And all anything (don't want to be vaccinated — their business, we grafted), but there are no vaccines — we don't know for how long whether the side effects, how quickly the virus when enters the body will be killed by the vaccine and still a lot of issues. In other words — peace in the coming years has changed. The most optimistic forecasts say that the return to social life as it was before the pandemic, mankind will be able not earlier than in 5 years. And that's assuming that everyone will obey the requirements of experts and doctors.

Why is it dangerous to get sick during a pandemic

It's nothing complicated, I did not write. Everything is logical and obvious. As what hospitals are overcrowded, doctors are not enough, many specialized hospitals reconstructed under infectious and this process continues. This tells us each of iron every day. This means that if before with suspected pneumonia, you were put in the hospital and watched closely today before the onset of severe symptoms have to stay at home. That's just the course of the disease with a diagnosis of COVID-19 can occur in such a way that no external symptoms until then, until it is too late. I recently wrote about it . The daily increase of cases only one coronavirus in Moscow exceeded 5 000. Across the country, this figure has more than 10,000 a day. While other diseases has not been canceled. Just added to what it was ten thousand every day (and counting). Obviously, put everyone in hospital is simply impossible, and therefore the chance of a lethal outcome increases significantly.

Why many people do not care about the mode of isolation?

«On the street there are people», although they shouldn't be

To Write this article was also inspired by a situation I observed in the first days of may. The sun came out, it was warm and people across the country just poured out into the street crowds. Fry kebab, drink beer, hang with those who have not seen it. And it is those people that April 30 was still sitting at home. But on may 1 in them that were possessed and they decided that «enough is enough, I went». The implications of these walks we will see you closer to the middle of may, when after an incubation period begin to show symptoms. Some experts believe that the current outbreak of disease in the country associated with the Easter festivities, when many spit on the quarantine went outside and began to closely contact each other. It had been about two weeks. But before I continue, let me tell you about «the marshmallow experiment». This is a very exciting social experiment that has a lot to explain.

What «the marshmallow experiment»

In the early 1970s in the United States an experiment was conducted with children deferred pleasure. Younger students at the age of 7 — 9 years was invited into a room without distractions and offered a treat. It was a choice of: cookies, marshmallows, or pretzel. The child said that he can eat the treat immediately, or wait 15 minutes and then it will give 2 times more. After that, the psychologist left the room and watched the child outside.

A Smaller part of those who participated in the experiment ate the treat immediately. About a third were able to endure till the end and received a double reward. The others tried to restrain myself, but in the end ate everything without waiting for the end 15 minutes.

After nearly 20 years was conducted control measurements in these children and found that those who managed to restrain myself for the sake of double-award had improved the standard of living, which was also reflected in the educational level, body mass index, and had morehighest score in the American SAT (the equivalent of our use).

However, in 2018 the experiment data is questioned, citing the fact that the sample of children who took part in it, was not wide enough. Another experiment was conducted earlier with racial division and took into account family income. According to the researchers 20 years influence «will power» do not exceed statistical error and the cause of improved living standards — it is the income in the family. For poorer children the concept of «then» strongly eroded, as «then» may never come. But the rich kids was a lot easier because even if the double award they will not get — which is okay, because they still constantly eat sugar.

What's more important: «barbecue» or life?

But it was a small digression from the main theme, which may shed light on the understanding of who is willing to risk his life for the sake of momentary weakness. Needless to say that such people are unlikely to reflect on the lives and health of others: if they are willing to risk their, what they care about most, right?

Yesterday, our country crossed the mark of 10 000 infected in a day. This is too much. More than in the US. European countries with much lower figures sitting on a hard quarantine and their health system is unable to cope with sick. In some countries ice rinks being converted by the morgues, because they are overcrowded. Our situation is just beginning to gain momentum, looking at the chart numbers inspired every day, but somehow that does not stop anyone.

Park in new York today. In the US the most difficult situation with coronavirus to date, but who cares?

You understand, it's not just us. In new York city in parks sunbathing and walking people. And all the photos have the impression that many people think that they are immortal. But what about the basic instinct of self-preservation? Why it does not work? What motivates such people? After all, if just a little thought, it becomes clear that the longer we're not going to respect the isolation, the longer this regime will continue. And in the end, even if the disease does not cause serious impact, it will arrive on the other side. Loss of jobs, wages, health system, overall quality of life. What drives these people?

This is not a post about the fact that we should all stay at home. I perfectly understand that there are areas which cannot be stopped, there are people who are forced to risk going outside, because they need to earn money and feed my family. I understand all that. But I want to understand the motivations of those who may 1 and 2 came out to celebrate with barbecue and beer. For what? Is it so hard to wait and then rip a double reward, as in the experiment with marshmallows. We do not for 7 years in the end.

increase in the number of cases of coronavirus in Russia

If you are one of those who went to the streets to celebrate, putting themselves and others in harm — tell us in the comments or about their motivation. Not to condemn, but to try to understand.

Let's look at the current statistics. Today — may 4, 2020. In the world infected 3 500 000. You just think about this figure. This compares with the entire population of Georgia, for example. Killed about 250,000, recovered 1 125 000. If we calculate the proportion of number of deaths to the amount recovered, we get about 18% (roughly every fifth died). Good «Russian roulette», right? Of course, this excludes those who are currently on treatment. If the disease proceeded in mild or asymptomatic, these people would to the doctors is not addressed and tests if they did not. Most of the patients sought help not from a good life, so we only cost to wish them a speedy recovery.

On the one hand we demand from the state for their own taxes, good roads, adequate pensions, accessible to all systems of education and medicine, and the other ready to take and cross their lives one hike at a barbecue in a nearby Park with friends or neighbors. But those who die in hospitals — can't even say goodbye to their loved ones. Perhaps going to the hospital with symptoms of coronavirus people see their loved ones one last time, because access to the infectious diseases hospital to visit closed. Choking on the ventilator lying in intensive care, would the trip to the Park so important and necessary?

Great poguljali!


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