New symptoms of coronavirus: what you need to know


2020-05-01 18:20:13




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New symptoms of coronavirus: what you need to know Source:

While the world grapples with the pandemic CoVID-19, coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 managed to acquire new symptoms. About it reports the Center for control and prevention of diseases (CDC), USA, which experts added to the list of symptoms from six new points. Let me remind you that one of the main difficulties faced by professionals in dealing with an outbreak of coronavirus, was extremely vague and varied symptoms. Besides, work complicate long incubation period and asymptomatic disease in some patients. In this article, you will learn how to change the symptoms CoVID-19 and than it threatens.

Symptoms of coronavirus

After fixing the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the body, the disease may be difficult until the development of SARS, or does not occur. It is considerably difficult to identify and quarantine the infected. According to estimates by researchers, the number of asymptomatic carriers varies from 25 to 50% that probably explains the rapid spread of the disease across the planet.

Meanwhile, until recently the symptoms of coronavirus carried high fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Now experts warn that it doesn't always happen. As it turned out, some patients may suffer from loss of taste and smell, conjunctivitis, tremor, and even destruction of the toes. Moreover, according to the elderly CoVID-19 causes lethargy and drowsiness, and in children severe abdominal pain and heart. However, while the list of the main symptoms joined six of the following:

  • Chills
  • the
  • Tremors
  • the
  • muscle Pain
  • the
  • Headache
  • the
  • sore throat
  • the
  • Loss of taste or smell

Add 6 new symptoms of coronavirus very important, as problems with the detection of the disease exist worldwide. Now, thanks to added symptoms, many patients with fever or conjunctivitis in the presence of the virus. However, the added symptoms is not a limit of possibilities of the novel coronavirus. Today, more and more doctors have reported other complications of this viral infection. Recently, we talked about the fact that CoVID-19 may cause development of heavy .

Coronavirus: complications


Coronavirus fingers

Looks painful

This condition, as you can guess, often baffles doctors. Writes , some infected toes become blue or purple color. At the same time, patients feel burning and pain when touched. A complication is observed mostly in children and young adults with asymptomatic coronavirus infection. Experts believe that this symptom may be associated with blockage of blood vessels or the body's inflammatory response to the coronavirus. However, the final cause is not known.



the Blood of infected patients, as suggested, clotting in lungs and legs

Since CоVID-19 attacks the body alternately, one specific complication has attracted the attention of doctors around the world: a tiny blood clots (thrombosis), which occur in the lungs or in the legs of patients. As reported , coronavirus CоVID-19, is likely to cause blood clotting throughout the body. Some experts believe that this may help to explain the high mortality rate from coronavirus – it is possible that it is because of the formation of small blood clots patients hard to breathe. It is important to note that blood clots are found not only in patients in the United States. So, according to the report, devoted to the study of thrombosis, about a third of the 184 Dutch patients with coronavirus in the lungs or in the legs were present clots.


Strokes in young patients

Probably nothing like in the past we have not seen

You've Probably already heard disturbing reports that young people aged from 33 to 49 years with a diagnosis of CoVID-19, die from stroke. Thus, in the report reported about dozens of such cases registered in hospitals at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, NYU Langone Health and hospital mount Sinai Beth Israel in new York. The doctors found that severe strokes in young patients are an anomaly for neurologists, as the majority of patients with a stroke average of 74.

How to overcome coronavirus

More and more research results indicate that coronavirus affects not only the lungs. Right before our eyes CoVID-19 attacks the heart, brain, eyes and even the toes are infected. However, the pandemic will not end quickly. Unfortunately, we all need to mentally prepare for the fact that at least before the advent of vaccines (from 10 to 12 months), the global situation will remain challenging. Thus, over time we learn more about SARS-CoV-2, which means we will have more opportunities to win.

Whatever it was, we must remain vigilant and do everything possible to stop the spread of infection. It is important to observe , it's possible to order products at home, wash hands and wear a cloth mask and gloves outdoors. We also should not forget about the state of their mental and physical health, try to sleep, doexercise, learn something new, and not to faint. Stress, as is well known, can severely weaken the body. How to cope with the prolonged isolation and not go crazy .

In the official list of new symptoms added 6, but they are likely more.


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