Director, NASA insists that Pluto is a planet


2019-09-01 15:40:12




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Director, NASA insists that Pluto is a planet Source:

still from the animated series "Rick and Morty" — king of the inhabitants of Pluto meets Morty and Jerry

If any of the readers are fans of the animated series "Rick and Morty" then you certainly remember the series about Pluto and son of the main character named Jerry. For those who do not know, explain that helping his 14-year-old son Morty with science project, Jerry can't stop saying that . To prove to him that it's actually not so, the heroes set out for Pluto, where the locals refuse to deprive your home from planet status. Jerry becomes the pet of the public, each time loudly declaring: "Pluto is a planet". To date, over Jerry was a good laugh. But now the situation has changed. The fact that the most important person in NASA named Jim Bridenstine insists that Pluto is still a planet.

What is Pluto?

Pluto — this is the tenth by mass of a celestial body in the Solar system. It is so small, which is approximately equal to the area of our country. The surface of Pluto is covered with stones and ice at the same time, the planet has a thin atmosphere, which consists mainly of methane. Should Pluto be away from the Sun as it freezes. And this is not uncommon, as the heavenly body is at a distance of 5900 million kilometers from our star.

the surface of Pluto. The picture was taken during the mission, Nasa's New Horizons

The Period of revolution of Pluto around the Sun is 248 earth years and a day there lasts 152 earth hour. The news of the existence of the most distant planet from the Sun was announced by the wider public astronomer Clyde Tombaugh on 18 February 1930. By the way, if you didn't know, Pluto was the name of the Lord of the underworld in Roman mythology. The name of the planet Pluto gave 11-year-old girl named Venice Bernie.

After the discovery of Pluto was considered a planet until 2006, during the XXVI Assembly of the International astronomical Union, scientists have identified it in the planet-dwarfs. This happened due to the discovery of new large objects in the Kuiper belt, located beyond the orbit of Pluto. Astronomers came the question of what objects should be considered a planet and what is not?

What is a dwarf planet different from the usual?

So, with it like understood. But the dwarf planet is different from the usual? According to the definition of the XXVI Assembly of the International astronomical Union in 2006, is a celestial body that:

  • in orbit around the Sun;
  • the
  • has sufficient mass so that, to maintain a nearly spherical shape;
  • the
  • is not a satellite of a planet;
  • the
  • can not, unlike the planets, to clear the area of its orbit of other objects.
  • And the planet — is a celestial body that:

  • has sufficient mass so that, to maintain a nearly spherical shape;
  • the
  • heavenly body, managed to clear the neighborhood of its orbit from other objects;
  • the
  • is drawn around stars and is neither a star nor a satellite of a planet.
  • Pluto is a planet?

    In recent years, the messages in the world press was full of headlines: "Pluto stripped of planet status", "Why Pluto is not a planet?" and so on. We also often wrote about Pluto and its changeable status.

    photo: NASA Director Jim Bridenstine

    In fact, the opinions of astronomers divided. So in 2017, a team of scientists from John Hopkins University to name Pluto a real planet. The Director of NASA Jim Bridenstine on the days that considers Pluto a planet. His opinion the head of the American space Agency proved that wrong. Yes, just like that.

    However, if the international astronomical Union will not make changes in the classification of normal and dwarf planets, Pluto the dwarf planet, despite the fact that the Director of NASA thinks otherwise. What do you think, Pluto is a planet or not?


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