Jupiter 5 new satellites


2019-08-29 00:20:11




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Jupiter 5 new satellites Source:

this is a real record for the number of open satellites

Handsome today is real . This unusual planet as many as 79 — significantly more than the rest of the Solar system! At the beginning of 2017 at the giant planet was discovered as many as 5 new moons. The names were chosen for them not once, but only 2 years later. How is called the new moon and why scientists wait for so long? This article will answer all your questions.

How many moons have Jupiter?

Despite the fact that currently Jupiter there is a whole retinue of satellites almost 80 different shapes and sizes, the most known moons of the giant planet are Ganymede, Callisto, IO and Europa. Each of these satellites truly unique. So, Ganymede is considered to be in the Solar system, Callisto and Europe contain subglacial oceans, while IO is considered the most explosive place among all the planets and satellites of our solar system.

Scenic IO — the explosive object in the Solar system

75 the other satellites of Jupiter, among them wormed and 5 new members of the Jupiter family is huge, more like full moons, and on the captured planet asteroids that tried to get into the inner part of the Solar system, but was unable to do so because of the huge gravity of Jupiter. Among the small satellites of the planet were most often allocated Amalthea, Adrastea and Metis, which, although of very irregular shape, stand out against the rest by its large size.

a sample image of Jupiter's moon Amalthea, named after the Greek goat, the milk suckled the infant Jupiter-Zeus

How to look 5 new satellites of Jupiter?

Despite the fact that all of Jupiter's moons according to tradition must be named after characters from Greek or Roman mythology, astronomers from the Carnegie Institute decided to organize a public competition, the results of which could determine the names of newly discovered satellites. The competition does not negate the tradition. Under the regulations, all Jupiter's moons should be named in honor of descendants or wives of Zeus or Jupiter. In the list of limitations could also be seen that the satellites can't be called names, which contains more than 16 characters, or any offensive words in modern languages of the world.

In the end, the research team settled on five names that were recently approved by the International astronomical Union (IAU). New satellites names sound like Pandia, ERSA, Erin, Filopodia and Alfama. The sizes of the moons vary from 1 to 3 kilometers in width, and Pandia is the largest among them.

Pandia (formerly S/2017 J4) is “the daughter of Zeus and goddess of the moon Selene” and “goddess of the full moon and sister Arse”, according to a press release.

Pandia — a good name for a satellite of a giant planet.

ERSA (formerly S/2018 J1) is “sister of Pandia, and also the daughter of Zeus and goddess of the moon Selene”

Erin (formerly S/2003 J5) was the goddess of peace and daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Erin — a typical Jupiter captured an asteroid of irregular shape

Filopodia (formerly S/2003 J15) was the spirit of hospitality and kindness, at the time, was the granddaughter of Zeus and sister Evfimy.

Evtime (formerly S/2003 J3) was the spirit of praise and good omens, and also was the granddaughter of Zeus and sister of Tiliroside.

According to Greek mythology, Evfimy was the granddaughter of Zeus. After a couple of thousand years, its name became known as far-Jupiter asteroid

Speaking of which, maybe you have your own original ideas of names for the new satellites of Jupiter? Share them in .

Well, perhaps the new Jupiter satellites were lucky enough that the ancient Greek and Roman mythology there are so many suitable names. In the same way as that of Zeus at the time was a pretty loving guy that provided the real wealth of modern astronomers in terms of suitable names for the planets and moons of the Solar System.


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