Why in America they build houses out of cardboard?


2019-09-06 21:40:09




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Why in America they build houses out of cardboard? Source:

In Russia to break through the wall with one hand without injury just will not work.

I Think each of us at least once in your life seen as a hero of some Hollywood blockbuster with ease of one hand or foot breaks through a thin wall of the American home. However, epic delight the viewer from what you see quickly replaced by the question: “is it true that the houses are built of cardboard?”. Very often these issues arose a few years ago, but now it happens. Well, let's try to understand why this is so.

From which to build a house in America?

Russia's modern homes are being built, for the most part, from blocks or bricks. It is believed that such materials possess strength and is much more resistant to cold than other building materials. At the same time on the other side of the globe people tend to think quite differently, preferring to use at home a more lightweight materials. Thus, in most North American States, using thin wooden beams as the frame of the future house, which is sheathed with sheets of particle Board or plywood. Well, not cardboard, but properties not much different from him. From the outside this house is decorated with siding or decorative brick. And what built your house? Discuss ?

Due to the fact that the overlap in American homes are not very resistant, on all floors above the first strongly recommended in order to jump, dance or drop something heavy. The consequences of careless jump, I think, all is clear.

it is not recommend you to jump on the upper floors of American homes
(the scene from the movie “the Shawshank redemption”)

Why are houses in America so easy to destroy?

Residents of the United States is much less focused on the construction of durable housing not only because of the favorable , does not require additional insulation of the house in the cold season, but also because of frequent . Agree, it is better to build a house of light materials, which if necessary can be easily restored than a monumental block or brick building that requires renovation more costly. In addition, the low cost of building allows not to make a big life tragedy that your house was destroyed as a result of another .

a Ruined house in America — it is a normal sight after Gale-force winds.

Thanks to the incredible ease of construction of frame dwellings, new residential districts are built in a matter of months, which is also an advantage in conditions requiring the population of a mobility and willingness to constantly change their place of residence.

What do you think, would such technology of construction of buildings in our country?


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