Scientists found new traces of the flood


2019-09-04 02:20:08




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Scientists found new traces of the flood Source:

Scientists have proven that 3 million years ago the sea level suddenly rose to 16 meters. What has led to such an event today?

An international team of scientists, studying the structure of one of preserved coastal , showed that about three million years ago, at a time when the Earth was several degrees Celsius warmer than in pre-industrial times, sea levels were as much as 16 metres higher than nowadays. In this regard, let's try to imagine what would happen to the planet if the sea level raised again on such a record?

Scientists have found new evidence of a global flood

Studies of sediments from caves of Arta, Mallorca has allowed scientists from the University of new Mexico to conclude that, on average, Pieczynska , who reigned on our planet about three million years ago the sea level was higher than at present about 16.2 meters.

The Study included work with cave deposits, known as phreatic thickets on speleothem. Such deposits are often formed in coastal caves on the border between brackish water and cave air every time ancient caves are flooded due to periodic rising sea levels. In the cave of Arta, which is located within a hundred meters from the coast, the groundwater level coincides with the level that existed in the distant past of the planet.

Speleothem — a cave formation from limestone

Scientists have discovered and analyzed the six geological formations found at the heights from 22.5 to 32 meters above sea level. Thorough laboratory analysis of 70 samples indicated their ages, which ranged from 4.4 to 3.3 million years BC, indicating that these cave deposits were formed during the Pliocene epoch. Age structures were determined using the uranium-lead radiometric Dating radiogenic isotope laboratory of the University of South Florida.

Researchers believe that the increase in the average temperature of the planet to the level to which we aspire now roughly corresponds to the temperatures that existed in the so-called Pucinski warm period, when temperatures were 2-3º Celsius higher than in pre-industrial time. In addition, studies similar to the Pliocene epoch levels we are experiencing today.

In Other words, even if atmospheric CO2 stabiliziruemost around the current performance, the global average sea level will still rise at least to the level of the sea Pliocene.

What happens if the sea level will rise by 16 meters?

sea-level Rise can lead to catastrophic consequences.

The Modern model of melting shows that a sharp rise in sea level is likely to be caused by the collapse of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets.

A Sharp level rise will lead to a change of the outlines of continents, somewhat modifying the world map. So, the first cities that will go under water will be Venice and London. They will disappear the whole country — the Netherlands and Denmark, taking with him all the Atlantic coast of the United States and Florida. Russia, in turn, will be deprived of such cities as Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. Not the most pleasant prospect…

Well, let's try to think together about the plan of salvation of the planet's glaciers or .


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