Symptoms before a sudden cardiac arrest


2019-07-12 23:00:09




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Symptoms before a sudden cardiac arrest Source:

Experts analyzed the data of the Finnish genetic study of arrhythmic events and came to the conclusion that death due to sudden cardiac arrest is often associated with the so-called silent heart attacks. They occur at an early age and often go unnoticed by the patient. Their findings in the journal JAMA Cardiology.

The researchers analyzed medical data 5869 inhabitants of Northern Finland, deaths from heart failure between 1998 and 2017. The results showed that 1322 persons were discovered scars on the heart, indicating heart attacks that occurred long before the sudden cardiac arrest and death.

The Researchers note that people did not even notice these heart attacks and therefore did not seek medical attention. They were sure that their health is all right.

The Researchers say that it is very important not to ignore such attacks. The main symptoms in such silent heart attacks scientists call nausea, excessive sweating, upset stomach, numbness in hands and feet, muscle pain, sudden fatigue, and discomfort in the chest.

Doctors remind that the main factors that increase the chance of a heart attack are:

  • Fatty foods
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse; the

  • Obesity;
  • the
  • Lack of exercise or excessive stock;
  • the
  • the Presence of hypertension;
  • the
  • diabetes;
  • the
  • Stress

Statistics of deaths from diseases associated with the cardiovascular system

The Main cause of mortality among the population of Russia are diseases of the cardiovascular system. Every hour of a heart attack die on average 7 people. In Russia the death rate from diseases of the circulatory system is generally higher than in other countries. Up to 70 percent of cases with a diagnosis of heart attack – people older than 55 years. However, recent years often there are cases when heart disease is diagnosed in young people aged 30-35 years.

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