Game Super Mario Run Nintendo brought the company $ 53 million


2017-02-01 14:00:05




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Game Super Mario Run Nintendo brought the company $ 53 million Source:

A Change of leadership seems to have gone Japanese companies benefit. As you already know, earlier, categorically refused to enter the mobile market the game publisher still has released today two games for smartphones. The first of these was social simulator Miitomo, and the second – platform "runner" Super Mario Run. The financial success of the last game suggests that Nintendo will not stop there. Because mobile Mario for a month and a half brought to the Treasury of the company's impressive 53 000 000 dollars.

53 million dollars – more than 6 billion Japanese yen. Did Nintendo such a success? Of course, expected. I think that the leadership of one of the oldest Japanese companies had intended to earn even more during the same period of time but it intervened several factors. First, the cost of the game $ 10 (for Russia – more than 700 rubles) was for many an unpleasant surprise. For free you get only the first three levels of the game, and all the rest will have to fork out. Second, many had hoped to see more traditional gameplay than tapanga one finger on the screen.

But even with such a primitive control scheme Nintendo has managed to build a sort of tiny mobile masterpiece. Super Mario Run laid a lot more interesting than it might seem at first glance. Each level can be played multiple times, as it is full of secrets and all sorts of nuances, which can be mastered only an extremely careful person. Despite the fact that is available to players 24 level, the passing game can take hours and even days. In addition to these levels the game also features a competitive multiplayer mode.

Total to date game was downloaded more than 78 000 000 users from 150 countries of the world. More than 5% of these people acquired it the full version. But the boss of Nintendo is still disappointed with similar results. It seemed that only the name Mario is able to get people stuff banknotes in their smartphones. But there it was. Fans of modern mobile entertainment are not accustomed to part with their money, if we are talking about more than 1 or 2 dollars. In March, the game should be available to owners of smartphones running Android. Let's see how the situation will change after this.


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