Revolution in the world of technology: get ready for "mirror world"


2019-02-19 23:00:41




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Revolution in the world of technology: get ready for Source:

"the Mirror world" (Mirrorworld) fully exists, but it will appear. One day, every place and thing in the real world — every street, lamppost, building and room will have a full-frame digital twin in the mirror world. Now tiny fragments of this mirror world can be seen by devices augmented reality (AR). Gradually, these virtual fragments are joined among themselves, to acquire allocated a permanent place in a parallel world.

The Writer Jorge Luis Borges imagined a map that size will exactly match the territory it represents. "Over time," wrote Borges, "the Guild of cartographers created a map of the Empire whose size corresponded to the exact size of the Empire and coincided with it at every point". Now we build this map in 1:1 scale, almost unimaginable proportions, and this map — the world — will be the next big digital platform.


Mirrorworld: digital parallel world

Google Earth long ago gives clues to how it will look this mirror world. The modern writer can now open Google Earth and be there, which had never been to transfer this experience into a book. This is a rough version of the mirror world.

And it is already under construction. Deep in the research laboratories of technology companies around the world, scientists and engineers strive to create a virtual space that overlays on top of real. Importantly, these emerging digital landscape will seem absolutely real; they will show what the architects call place-ness, that is to create the illusion of real space. But in the mirror world of the virtual building will have a volume, virtual armchair textures, and the virtual street — layers of textures, spaces, inclusions, which together will give a feeling of the "street".

The Mirror world, or mirrorworld, is a term first popularized by Yale scientist-Informatica David Gelernter. It reflects not only the appearance of something, but the context, meaning and function. We will interact with that something, to manipulate it, to feel it like in the real world.

First, the mirror world will appear to us as a layer of information with high resolution, overlaid on the real world. We will be able to see the virtual name tag floating above the people with whom we've met before. Perhaps a blue arrow to show us where to turn. Or useful annotations attached to the interest (in contrast to the tightly shuttered virtual reality glasses, augmented reality glasses will show a transparent layer).

In the end, we will be able to look for a physical place as well as looking for the text "Find me all the places where the bench stands in the Park overlooking the sunrise over the river." We will associate the network objects in the physical to leave a physical link, like leave the links in the words, producing amazing and innovative products.

The mirror world will have their own quirks and surprises. Its kinda of a dual nature that combines real and virtual, will allow you to create incredible games and entertainment. Pokémon Go gives only a hint of almost unlimited possibilities for exploring this platform.

These examples are simple and elementary, equivalent to our most early, unconvincing guesses about what will be online as soon as it appears — a novice Compu-Serve, AOL early. The real value of this work will manifest in a trillion result of unexpected combinations of all these primitive elements.

The First great technological platform was Network, which digitized the information, passed knowledge to the algorithms; the king became Google. The second large steel platform social network, working mainly on mobile phones. They have digitized people and handed over to the algorithms behavior and attitudes of people; rule them Facebook and WeChat.

We are Now seeing the emergence of a third platform that will digitize the rest of the world. On this platform all the things and places will be machine — readable, the power of algorithms. Whoever headed the Board of the third great platform, he will be the richest and most influential among people and companies in history, as well as the rulers of the other two platforms. Also, like its predecessors, this new platform will free up thousands of new companies in their ecosystem, and generate a million new ideas — and problems — which were not possible before machines learned to read the world.

Manifestations of the mirror world is all around us. Perhaps best proved the possibility of marriage between the virtual and the physical game Pokémon Go, which made obviously virtual characters in a stunning the reality of the outdoors. In 2016, the whole world was fond of the chase for the cartoon in the local parks.

An alpha version of the mirror world in the form of Pokémon Go was adopted by hundreds of millions of players at least in 153 countries. Niantic, which has created Pokémon Go was founded by John Hanke, who previously worked on the earlier versions of Google Earth. Today the headquarters Nianitc located on the second floor of the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Through the Windows from floor to ceiling you can see the Cape and distant hills. Offices filled with toys and puzzles, including an elaborate kvestrum with boats.

Hanke said that, despite the many other opportunities offered by augmented reality, Niantic will continue to work on games and maps, as over the best ways to use this new technology. In games where newtechnology and honed: "If you can solve the problem for the gamer, you will be able to solve it for everyone else," adds Hanke.

But the game is not the only context in which appear fragments of the mirror world. Microsoft, another major player in the field of augmented reality, in addition to Magic Leap, HoloLens produces devices in 2016. HoloLens is a transparent glasses which are attached to the head. After you enable and download HoloLens displays the room in which you are. Then, with the help of hands, you can control the items in front of you the pop-up menu, choosing which apps or programs to download. One option is to hang a virtual screen in front of him.

The Vision of Microsoft on the topic HoloLens is simple: it is the office of the future. Wherever you are, you can insert as many screens as you want, and work from there. According venture company Emergence, "80 percent of the labor force in the world has the desktop". Among these workers there are those who are now using HoloLens in the factories, creating three-dimensional models and training. Recently, Tesla applied for two patents on the use of AR in the factory production. Logistics company makes Trimble certified helmets with in-built HoloLens.

In 2018, the US army announced that gets up to 100, 000 upgraded models for HoloLens headset is absolutely not intended for conventional plants work: to be a step ahead of the enemies on the battlefield and to "increase the lethality". Most likely, you will wear a headset HoloLens rather at work than at home. Even Google Glass is gradually making its way to the factories.

In the mirror world everything will be your twin. NASA engineers first used this concept in the 1960-ies. Keeping a duplicate of any machine that is sent into space, they could repair any component when the main tool is many thousands of kilometers. These twins gradually turned into computer digital twins.


Digital copy

, one of the largest companies in the world, produces an extremely complex machine that can kill people in case of failure: power generators, nuclear reactors for submarines, control systems of oil refineries, jet turbines. For the design, construction and operation of these large devices, GE borrowed the idea from NASA: it creates digital twins of each machine. Jet turbine serial number E174, for example, may have a brother — also E174. Each of its parts can be spatially represented in three dimensions and placed in the appropriate virtual location. In the near future, these digital twins could in fact be a more dynamic digital simulation engine. But a full-fledged, three-dimensional digital twin is not just an electronic model. It embraces the volume, size, and texture — as in avatar.

In 2016, GE has become a "digital manufacturing enterprise", which she defines as "the merging of physical and digital worlds." This is another way of saying it is building a mirror world. Digital twins, already have increased the reliability of industrial processes that use machines to GE such as oil refining or production equipment.

Microsoft, for its part, has expanded the idea of "digital twins" from objects to entire systems. The company uses AI "to create an immersive virtual copy of what is happening around the factory shop floor". As it will be better to repair the huge chestionare robot-mill if not to put it on top of the machine, exact digital copy, AR? Technician-a technician will see a virtual Ghost lying on top of the real robot. Will explore a virtual overlay to see the possible faulty parts. A specialist from headquarters will be able to connect to the repairman and guide him in the right direction.

Once everything has its digital counterpart. This happens faster than you might think. The seller of home goods Wayfair displays many millions of products in its online catalog, but not all images made in the Studio. Instead, Wayfair has detected that it would be cheaper to create photorealistic three-dimensional computer model for each subject. You need to very carefully look into the kitchen faucet on the Wayfair website, to understand what it virtual. Browsing through the website of the company today, you gaze into the mirror world.

Now Wayfair is releasing these digital objects in the wild world. "We want you to buy from home, from your home," says co-founder of Wayfair Steve Konin. The company has released an AR app that uses the phone camera to create digital versions of the interior. The application then locates the three-dimensional object in a room and secures it even if you move. Glancing at the phone, you can bypass the virtual furniture, to observe the illusion of three-dimensional environment. Place a virtual sofa in your den, consider it from different sides, replace the fabric and upholstery. You will see virtually what you get.

When customers try the service at home, they are "11 times more likely to buy," said Sally Huang, a developer of a similar app for Houzz. Ori Inbar is a venture investor in AR calls it "moving the Internet from the screens to the real world".

To the mirror world is fully connected to the Network, we need not just that everything was digital DoppelgangeR; we need to construct a three-dimensional model of the physical reality in which the twins areto accommodate. Consumers for the most part will do it: when someone looks at a scene through the device, in particular a wearable glasses, the tiny built-in camera will display a map of what he saw. The camera will capture only fragments of pixels, but they do not need much. But artificial intelligence is in the device, in the clouds, and in fact, and in another — to learn from these pixels meaning; it will determine where you are, and at the same time to estimate the location. The technical term for this — SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), and all this is happening.

For Example, a startup built a platform for developing augmented reality apps that can recognize large objects in real-time. If you take one such application and to do the streets, it recognizes each car as a separate object-a car, each light — how high the object, separate from nearby objects-trees, and showcases — as flat objects behind the car. And we will gain a meaningful order.

And this order will be continuous and related. In the mirror world objects will exist relative to other things. The digital window will exist in the context of the digital wall. Instead of the compounds generated by the circuits and bandwidth, the links are contextual, generated by AI. Mirror world, thus, will create the long-awaited Internet of things.

Another application on the phone, Google Lens, can also distinguish individual objects. It is smart enough to determine the breed of dog, design a shirt or a plant. Soon these features will be integrated. When you look at your living room through the magic glasses, the system will collect all the parts, informing you that on the wall there is an engraving in a frame and Wallpaper with four colors, and a vase of white roses. On a semi antique Persian rug, it is perfect new sofa. Based on the colors and styles of furniture already in the room, the app will recommend a specific color and style of the sofa. You will like it. But this lamp does not take?

Augmented reality is a technology that underlies the mirror world; it's neulogy a newborn who will turn into a giant. "Mirror worlds immerse you without changing the floor under my feet. You are still present, but in another plane of reality. Like Frodo putting on the ring. Instead of cut you off from the world, they form new relationships with him," writes Keiichi Matsuda, former creative Director of Leap Motion, a company developing technology gestures for augmented reality.

The Full flowering of the mirror world is waiting for the advent of cheap and active wear glasses. There are rumors that one of the largest technology companies can develop such a product. Apple is working in the field of augmented reality and the recently acquired startup called Akonia Holographics, which specializiruetsya on a thin, transparent lenses of "smart glasses". "Augmented reality will change everything," said Apple CEO Tim cook during a telephone conversation in late 2017. "I think it's deep, and I think that Apple is in a unique position to lead this region."

But do not have to use augmented reality glasses; you can use almost any device. You can do this via phone Pixel from Google, but without the burden of 3D glasses. Even now wearable devices like smart watches or clothes can identify protoberberines the world and interact with it.

Everything connected to the Internet, would interact with the mirror world. And everything to do with the mirror world will see and be seen by everyone else in this interconnected environment. Watch discover the chairs; the chairs will work with spreadsheets; glasses will even find a watch under the sleeve; the tablet will see the inner part of the turbine; the turbine will see workers around them.

The Emergence of a huge mirror of the world will depend in part on the fundamental shift taking place now, away from the telephone-oriented life to technology, which for two centuries: the camera. To recreate the map the size of the earth — in 3D, no less — you will need to photograph all the places and things from every angle possible, all the time, so the planet must be filled with cameras that are always enabled.

We are doing this distributed, all-seeing network of cameras, reducing them to a point electric of the pupils that you can instruct anywhere and in any way. Like computer chips to them, cameras are becoming better, cheaper and smaller every year. You to can be a couple; a couple in the car. On door peephole camera some. Most of these newly formed artificial eyes are in front of us, glasses or contact lenses, so where are we, the people, will see there will be a shooting.

The Heavy particles in the chambers will continue to be replaced by weightless particles software, compressing them into a microscopic point, scanning the environment 24 hours a day. The mirror world is a world of controlled light beams, which scurry around, get camera, leave the displays to penetrate into the eye: the tireless and unceasing stream of photons, depicting form through which we walk, and visible ghosts that we refer. The laws of light will determine the best.

New technologies will give new powers. We got the super-speed jet aircraft, supermachine with antibiotics, super hearing radio. Mirror world promises to give us vision. Weget something like x-ray vision and can look inside the object, disassemble them into components of particles, to unravel their scheme. Just as past generations became literate with the advent of schools, learned to write, made up alphabets and multiplication tables, a new generation shall possess visual literacy. An educated person will be able to create three-dimensional images into three-dimensional landscapes as fast as prints today. They will know how to find any video without the need of words. The complexity of the colors and rules of perspective will be understandable everywhere, like the rules of grammar. Comes the era of the photon.

And here's the thing: robots will be able to see the world. Partly self-driving cars and robots see begin to see the modern world: reality merged with a virtual shadow. When the robot will finally be able to wander through the crowded streets, he will see their own silicon eyes and mind he will be a mirror-world version of this street. Success in robot navigation will depend on the previously drawn maps of roads contours — three-dimensional scans of the lights and fire hydrants, the exact state of the provisions of road signs, detailed road routes and storefronts, digitized masters.

Of Course, as with all interactions in the mirror world is a virtual Kingdom will be layered on the physical world, so the robots will see and the movement of people in real time, when they pass by. The same thing will happen with self-driving cars; they will also be immersed in the mirror world. They will rely on a fully digitized version of roads and vehicles on the platform. A large part of the process of digitization will be other cars as you drive, because everything that sees the robot will be immediately projected to the mirror world for the benefit of other machines. Watching the robot simultaneously and to extract information, and provide scanning for other robots.


Augmented reality

In the mirror world of the virtual robots will be also bodily; they will receive a virtual, three-dimensional, photo-realistic shell, whether it's machine, animal, human or alien. In the mirror world are agents, like Siri, and Alexa will receive a three-dimensional forma that can be seen and can see. Their eyes will be embodied in the billions of eyes of the matrix. They will grasp microemboli and expressions of our faces. Form, face, limbs — will also improve the interaction. The mirror world becomes the interface, which requires artificial intelligence.

There is another way to look at the objects in mirror world. They can be dual-use, to perform different roles in different planes. "We can take a pencil and use it as a wand. We can turn our tables into touch screens," writes Matsuda.

We can not only play with the position and roles of objects, but also over time. Let's say I walk along the path near the Hudson river (the present) and see a nest of wrens that would love it my friend the ornithologist. So I leave a virtual note. It will make itself know when a friend will travel this path. A similar phenomenon of presence we saw with Pokémon Go: the virtual creature left in real physical places. Time is a measurement of the mirror world, which can be changed. Unlike the real world, you will be able to move in time.

Story will be a verb. Swiping your finger on the hand, you will be able to go back in time, in any place, to see what it was before. You will be able to impose the reconstructed form of the 19th century on top of an existing reality. To visit some place in his early view, simply roll back the version. The whole mirror world will be one whole file "photoshop", where you can expose and clean up the layers. Or you can squander in the distant future, where artists have left their ideas about future versions of this place. Thus, the mirror world would be easier to call a 4D world.

As the Internet and social media, the mirror world will unfold and grow, creating unforeseen challenges and unexpected benefits. Let's start with the business model. Let's try if we can run the platform through advertising? Possible. Those who remember the Internet before the advent of commercial activity, I agree with the fact that it was growing very slowly. Mirror world without advertising would be unnecessary and undesirable. However, if the only business model involves buying of our attention, it will be a nightmare — because in such a world, our attention will be tracked with higher precision and resolution.

At the macro level, the mirror world will have the greater impact. The more people use it the better it gets. The better he gets, the more people will use it, and so on. This chain is the basis of the logic of the platforms, and that's why platforms like the Internet and social networks grow so quickly and widely. However, this dynamic also means that the winner takes it all; that is why one or two participants will be placed on top of the platform's leaders. We are now just starting to deal with these natural monopolies — with Facebook, Google and WeChat, which have become a kind of government in the Internet.

In the long term the mirror world could sustain itself as a public company; for other utilities like water, electricity or Internet we used to pay regular subscription, soto say. We will be happy to do it again, hoping to get something valuable and interesting virtual places.

The Emergence of mirror world will affect us all on a deeply personal level. We know that the existence of two worlds will be serious physiological and psychological consequences. Teach us that our experience of life in cyberspace and virtual reality. But we don't know what exactly will these effects, and we definitely will not finish. We don't even know what cognitive mechanisms do underlie the illusion of AR.

The Paradox is that the only way to understand how it works AR — build AR and experience it yourself. The technology is a microscope needed to study this technology. Sounds strange, agree.

Some people are very upset about the fact that new technologies create new harm, and we are willing to tolerate these risks, not always observing the precaution. For example, we ought not to allow a new, if it is not recognized as safe. But this principle does not work, because the old technologies that we're trying to replace, all the more dangerous. More than a million people die on the roads every year, but we tend to blame the robots-drivers, even if they kill one. We worry about politics in social networks, thus skipping all the dirt that pours from the TV screen. The mirror world will definitely be subject to dual standards stringent regulations.

Many of the risks of the mirror world is easy to imagine, because they are the same, what we see on modern platforms. For example, we need mechanisms to the mirror world to prevent counterfeiting, to stop the illegal invasion to remove spam and to detect unauthorized insertion, while respecting safety. Ideally, we would like to open the world to all the participants without needing Big Brother that will watch for all.


a Parallel reality on the blockchain

Blockchain needs work, and ensuring the integrity of the open mirror of the world can become what he was born. Now there are people who are enthusiastic working on this possibility. Unfortunately, it is not so difficult to imagine a scenario in which the mirror world is centralized and subordinated to. We still have to think about it.

Many believe that centralized and open platform will be richer and more reliable. Clay Bavor, Vice President for AR and VR at Google, says: "We need an open service that will be improved whenever someone uses it, like the Internet."

The Mirror world will cause serious problems with privacy. In the end, it will hide the billions of eyes watching every point, converging in one continuous eye. The mirror world will create so much data, big data, his legions of eyes and other sensors that we can not imagine its scale. To make this spatial field to work in — sync virtual doubles of all places and of all things with real places and things, at the same time making them visible to millions — you will need to track people and things with the degree, which can be called a complete surveillance state.

We can imagine how it would be bad for us. But there are several ways to benefit, and the main one is the mirror world. The path to civilization of big data, where we will gain more than you lose, uncertain, complex and non-obvious.

But we already have some experience, which can serve as the basis for our approach to the mirror world. Good practices include mandatory transparency and accountability for any party that relates to data; the symmetry in the flow of information to and observers were observed; and stability to the creators of the data extracted clear benefits, including cash, from the system. We will definitely find a way to handle all the data, since the mirror world is not the only place where they will accumulate. Big data will be everywhere.

With the advent of the Internet the digital world was seen as a disembodied cyberspace — the intangible realm, separated t of the physical world, so unlike the material existence that space has got its own rules. In many ways the virtual and physical worlds have developed in parallel, never meeting. In the virtual world, you can find a feeling of endless freedom, released by detaching from physical form: the freedom from friction, gravity, momentum and all mutanovich restrictions. Who wouldn't want to escape into cyberspace to find the best version of yourself?

The Mirror world will unite these two platforms so that the digital bits will be included in materials consisting of atoms. Information famous fountain in Rome's Piazza can be found at this very fountain in Rome. For repair of 30-metre-high wind turbine, we will fix it virtual version. Grab a towel from the bathroom and it will turn into a magical cloak. We depend on the fact that each object contains its bits as if each atom was a Ghost, and every Ghost — physical shell.

You will Need at least ten years to mirror world began to use millions and a few more decades — so it settled billions. But we have something to anticipate.

Ultimately this mixed world would be the size of our planet. It would be the greatest achievement of mankind, creating new wealth, newsocial problems and countless opportunities for billions of people.

Maybe you will be the first among its pioneers. Don't forget to subscribe to our , so as not to miss the development of mirror world.


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