How does the "perpetual motion" and examples of his designs


2020-07-30 18:20:13




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How does the Source:

Perpetual motion is impossible even in theory. He contradicts himself.

Perpetual motion excites the minds of scientists and inventors around the world. Now many people obsessed about the same as at the time, alchemists were obsessed with the idea of getting gold from lead. All due to the fact that it — perpetual motion — will bring a lot of benefits not only in the short term but for the distant future. The main thing to understand that perpetual motion is not quite what many imagine. This is a much more advanced thing, but at the same time more simple, than is commonly believed. There are some concepts of the engine. Let's deal with some of them.

is it Possible to patent a perpetual motion machine

First and foremost is to determine what to patent a perpetual motion machine is impossible. That is, if you can find a way to cheat the laws of physics, you certainly will say thank you, but the commercial rights to his invention you will not have. High, you will be able to rely on global respect. If it suits you — we should try and work in that direction.

Patents on perpetual motion ceased to be considered a very long time. For example, the US Patent office does not accept such applications for over a hundred years, and the Paris Academy of Sciences since 1775 not considering projects such engines.

What is perpetual motion

If you say that such a thing is a perpetual motion machine, all basic definitions boil down to the fact that this is an imaginary device that runs indefinitely. And most importantly, he must have efficiency more than 100%. That is, the amount of energy must be greater than that which it consumes for the job. This is the perpetual motion machine of the first kind.

There is the concept of perpetual motion machine of the second kind. Such a mechanism needs to receive heat from a single reservoir and convert it completely into work. This type of perpetual motion is impossible by definition, because it is contrary to the first and second law of thermodynamics.

It May seem that space in some way can be called a system of perpetual motion, but this is not so. Sooner or later the lights will go out, and planets, moons and galaxies that only appear to be eternal. In fact, they gradually dissipate their kinetic energy due to the resistance of the solar wind, the gravity of other objects, thermal radiation, and even gravity waves.

This thing is billions of years spinning by itself, but it can not be considered a perpetual motion engine.

In space, it is almost invisible, since the distance and the size of the bodies is huge, and the resistance is minimal, but the energy loss is still there. Simply put, if you give the planet an infinite amount of time of rotation, excluding changes in other factors, sooner or later it just stops. It is actually a bit more complicated and in reality it will attract to the Sun, but you get the point.

We Can say that the engine is also sooner or later will stop if you give him an infinitely long time (we don't check), but that is precisely why there is a requirement that a perpetual motion machine needs than you consume. Even if it is to develop for a tiny fraction of a percent more energy than it will take, he will be able to provide themselves with fuel.

a Little humor on the subject of perpetual motion. Here it is!

How to make perpetual motion machine

The world had made countless attempts to make a perpetual motion machine. Design offered very different, but United by their one — they are not tested and do not become a perpetual motion engine. Although at first glance it may seem that some of the following design will work, but this is a mistake. As close as possible to this concept of perpetual motion can approach the design of a magnetic motor.


Perpetual motion magnets

The Design of perpetual motion magnets may seem simple and ingenious at the same time, but there is one ”but”. First of all, a magnet, even the best, can not give the energy infinitely and his power of magnetism over time will decrease. In the end, the engine will simply stop working. Although initially the idea is really not bad.

The Idea of perpetual motion became more active in the minds of inventors with pojavleniem neodymium magnets. They tried to apply anywhere, and Michael Brady even made an engine that was patented, though not as eternal.

things a little fascinating:

The point is that a magnet located on a rotating wheel mate and holds the design in motion. The design is simple and uncomplicated, but even if not to take into account losses from friction, or simply delete them by placing the system in a vacuum, the engine still will not last forever. Just because of that .


is the First perpetual motion machine

In any case, someone has to be first. The pioneer was in ”venodilatation” — became the Indian mathematician Bhaskara. The mention of perpetual motion found in his manuscripts that date back to the XII century.

These manuscriptsa mathematician describes a mechanism that is driven due to the flow of mercury or other liquid inside the tubes, which should be placed around the circumference of the wheel. The design looks promising due to the fact that the fluid on one side of the wheel will always be farther away from its center.

some look so the first concept of perpetual motion.

In reality, such a system is not working. If you make only two tubes on different sides of the wheel, it really will move, but when a lot of them, different position of the liquid in each still balance the system and rotation will not.

Bhaskara was the followers who suggested that instead of liquid is used which changes its position loads. Certainly, all those projects were doomed to fail, and gradually the original idea of the construction of a perpetual motion machine were replaced by others.

One of the variations on the theme of Perpetuum mobile Bhaskara.


Perpetual motion machine of Archimedes

In fact, Archimedes never invented any perpetual motion machine. He only formulated the law, according to which and operates as system. This act is familiar to anyone who has ever thrown into the water the ball float or other inflatable object.

So how something that weighs less than water, is pushed to her, it is also possible to use as a perpetual motion machine, and such concepts were. For example, you can try to put the system balls that will emerge from the water .

In this design not only included that it is impossible to keep off in the tank, and if possible, it will put pressure on incoming floats with such force that you will not be able to compensate for the popup.

The Problem is that in a closed system ”waste” ball must again be put in water, and this takes more energy than it appears when floating. That is why the system almost immediately comes into balance and stop moving. If only not to force the liquid to be on the same side, then hold it without losses is impossible. If it is constantly to add, that such a mechanism will no longer meet the basic requirements of a perpetual motion machine.


Perpetual engine balances

Another perpetual motion implies the use of offset system, which is suspended on a chain, the goods have to pull the whole design.

so it should look like this system to spin counterclockwise, but it very quickly comes to equilibrium.

This design was offered to the Dutch mathematician Simon Stevin. The chain must be combined 14 balls. This chain need to flip through a triangular prism. According to the idea, on the one hand will be two times more balloons and they will pull the whole system. After that, the balls that hang from the bottom, not involved in the process, as balanced and must not interfere with the work on the prism.

Sounds great and logical, but the part of the system where the balls twice, has a flatter plane and the component of the force of gravity balls on this side will be less. In the end, the system will again come into balance and quick stop.

This is also not a perpetual motion machine, just a toy, since kinetic energy will be lost.

Why it is impossible to create a perpetual motion

First, creating a perpetual motion machine is impossible due to the fact that it violates many of the is formulated and tested by centuries (and millennia) the laws of physics. To make the movement more energy than it took to bring the system in motion, it is simply impossible.

what if it is?

On the other hand, many things previously considered impossible. Suddenly, mankind is still unable to find fundamental error scientists of the past? If you wanted to try — try it! If you don't want to do it, but you have the idea that you are willing to share, then do so at or in the comments to the article.


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