Artificial intelligence is the ideal tool for the study of the Universe


2017-11-19 21:30:11




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Artificial intelligence is the ideal tool for the study of the Universe Source:

In an attempt to understand the Universe we become obsessed — we are tempted by lust of the observations. The satellites transmit hundreds of terabytes of information every year, and only one telescope in Chile will produce 15 terabytes of images of space every night. No one will be able to process them manually. Says astronomer Carlo Enrico Petrillo, "to look at images of galaxies — the most romantic part of our work. The problem is how to remain focused". Therefore, Petrillo develops AI that will help him.

Petrillo and his colleagues searched for a phenomenon that is essentially a space telescope. When a massive object (galaxy or black hole) is between a distant light source and observer on the Ground, he bends space and light around it, creating a lens, allowing astronomers a closer look at incredibly old and distant areas of the Universe hidden from our view. This effect is called gravitational lensing, and these lenses are the key to understanding what the universe is made. Still looking for them was slow and tedious.

It was here that we need artificial intelligence and the search for gravitational lenses is the beginning. The words of Stanford Professor Andrew ng, the ability of the AI allows you to automate all of that "typical person can make in less than one second of thinking." Less than a second may not seem particularly generous, but when it comes to sifting large amounts of data, it's just a gift from heaven.

A New wave of astronomers considering the AI not only as a sorter of data. They explore something that may be an entirely new way to search for scientific discoveries, when artificial intelligence will display part of the Universe that we have never seen.

But first: a gravitational lens. The General theory of relativity predicted this phenomenon back in the 1930-ies, but the first examples appeared only in 1979. Why? Because the space is very very big, and people had a lot of time to be met, especially without modern telescopes. The hunt for gravitational lenses was difficult.

"the Lenses that we have now were found in different ways," said Liliya Williams, Professor of astrophysics at the University of Minnesota. "Some were discovered by accident, people were looking for something completely different. Some of them were found by people who were looking at the second or third times."

To Look at the pictures the AI knows very well. Therefore, Petrillo and his colleagues turned to the tool AI, beloved in Silicon valley: type of computer program consisting of a digital "neurons", modeled on the image of these that are activated in response to the input. Feed these programs (neural networks) a bunch of data, and they will learn to recognize schemes and patterns. They work especially well with visual information and are used in different machine vision systems — from cameras to self-driving cars to facial recognition in pictures on Facebook.

As it was written in the article, published last month, the application of this technology to hunt for gravitational lens was surprisingly simple. First, the scientists made a dataset for training the neural network — generated 6 million fake images of gravitational lenses and without them. Then fed to the neural network your information and left to understand the patterns. A little fine tuning and get a program that can recognize a gravitational lens in the blink of an eye.

"Great classifier in the face of a man examines with an image rate of a thousand per hour," says Petrillo. One lens is located roughly 30, 000 galaxies. Therefore, the classifier will have to work without sleep and rest during the week to find five or six lenses. Neural network for comparison, understands 21 789 images in just 20 minutes. And this one ancient processor.

The Neural network was not as accurate as the computer. She missed the lens set wide parameters. She gave 761 possible candidates that people have studied and reduced to 56. To confirm that this is a real lens, will have to check and confirm findings, but Petrillo believes that the third will be real. It is about one lens per minute, when compared with the hundreds of lenses, discovered the entire scientific community over the past few decades. The speed is incredible, perspective — enormous.

The Search for these lenses is essential to understanding one of the greatest mysteries of astronomy: what is the universe? Matter, as we know it (planets, stars, asteroids, etc.) represent only 5% of all physical matter, and yet 95% of us are completely inaccessible. These 95% of the hypothetical substance — dark matter, which we have never observed directly. We can only study the gravitational effect that it has on the rest of the Universe, and gravitational lenses are one of the most important indicators.

What else can AI do? Scientists are working on a number of new tools. Some, like Petrillo, take on the task of identification: klassificeret galaxy, for example. Others are combing the data streams in search of interesting signals. Some neural network artificial eliminate interference for the radio telescope, isolating only the useful signals. Others were used to identify the pulsars, unusual exoplanets or improvement of telescopes with low resolution. In short, the potential applications are many.

This explosion is partly due to General trends in the hardware that allow you to expand the field of application of AI, such as the availability of cheap computing power. Astronomers no longer need to sit on a cloudless night, watching the movement of the individual planets; instead, they use sophisticated equipment that scans parts of the sky one after another. Improved telescopes and data storage technologies mean that analysis even more now, says Williams.

Analysis of large data sets — that is well able to do artificial intelligence. We can teach it to recognize patterns and get to work him relentlessly, and he never blinks and will not go wrong.

Worried whether astronomers that they trust the machine, which may not be enough human understanding to discover something sensational? Petrillo says no. "In General, people are more biased, less effective and more prone to errors than a machine." Wilms agrees. "Computers can miss certain things, but they will miss them systematically". But until we know what they do not know, we can deploy automated system without any risk.

For some astronomers, the potential of AI goes beyond a simple sorting of the data. They believe that artificial intelligence can be used to create information that fills the blind spots in our observations of the Universe.

The Astronomer Kevin Sowinski and his team, specializing in astrophysics of galaxies and black holes, using AI to enhance resolution blurry shots telescopes. To this end, they launched a neural network that generates unmatched of variation of the studied data, though a good forger imitates the style of a famous artist. These same networks were used to create a fake imagery of the stars; fake autodialogs that mimic real voices; and other types of data. According to Sivinskogo, these neural networks create information that was previously inaccessible to us.

In a paper published Sawinski and his team at the beginning of this year, they showed that these networks can improve the quality of the pictures space. They lowered the quality of the images of several galaxies, added noise and blur, and then passed them through the neural network together with the original images. The result was amazing. But scientists are not yet able to share.

Sowinski wary of the project. In the end, it goes against the principles of science: you can read the Universe, but only observing it directly. "For this reason, this tool is dangerous," he says. And it can be used only when we have accurate information and when we can check the result. You can train the network to generate data about black holes and send her to work in a certain area of the sky, which until now has been poorly investigated. And if she finds a black hole, astronomers will have to confirm the discovery of his own — as in the case of gravitational lenses.

If these methods will prove fruitful, they may become a completely new research methods, to complement the classic computer modeling and good old observation. While everything is just beginning, but the prospects are very promising. "If you had this tool you could recover all the data from the archives, to improve some of them and extract the most scientific value." Value which was not before. AI will become a scientific alchemist, helping us transform old knowledge into new. And we could study the cosmos as never before, without even leaving the Ground.



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