What could be life on Titan?


2019-10-16 17:20:10




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What could be life on Titan? Source:

the possibility of the existence on Titan exotic life excites the minds of scientists almost immediately after the discovery of this moon of Saturn

Titan — the most distant object in the Solar system, which one day could visit man-made spacecraft. In addition, the largest moon of Saturn is very similar to our planet in many important ways, among which stands out the presence of a thick atmosphere similar to earth's. The only thing that makes impossible the existence of life in the form in which we know it are extremely low temperatures, the Kingdom is everywhere in this twilight world. But what if different from the usual? And if so, which one would it could be?

is There life on Titan?

Titan — one of the most interesting objects in the Solar system that was discovered in 1655 by the famous astronomer Christiaan Huygens. Despite the fact that the diameter of this moon of Saturn is even more full diameter of the planet mercury, the force of gravity in this frozen world is only one-seventh of the earth. This fact may mean that once you are on Titan, then wearing on his back a couple of makeshift wings, you may be able to plan over the surface of Titan in low gravity without the slightest threat to break the stony surface of the satellite.

The Surface of Titan is a large water ice covered with sedimentary organic matter, which could theoretically use for your development the simplest exotic life. Scientists believe that the likelihood of the Titan of life, similar to earth, is extremely low, however, this fact does not mean that life there is no place at all.

View from Titan's surface in the representation of the artist

Known for the development of biological organisms can take several basic elements that include a source of energy and substance-the solvent involved in the providing of the most vital functions inside the body. And if the basic for life on Titan may be methane, the main solvent of the earth — water on Saturn's moon would just instantly freeze, and not initiating for development of microorganisms. Scientists believe that the role of solvent in this case would be to carry liquefied ethane, a great number of which can be found in the lakes of Titan.

In Addition to ethane, hypothetical alien life might use to build cells and is known to earthlings silicon that would allow the microorganisms to flourish even at the lowest temperatures. Incidentally, this fact could be very useful due to the fact that the average temperature on the surface of Saturn's moon equals to -178 degrees Celsius.

In any case, the possibility of having the satellite any life will be able to confirm or deny the mission of NASA Dragonfly, which in 2034 will begin to search for prebiotic chemistry on Titan. In addition to the mission of NASA, the European space Agency's possible involvement with the Russian space Agency plans to send in the middle of the 2020-ies in the vicinity of Saturn and its moons project Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM), which will allow to study the model of evolution of Titanium and its geological and climatic characteristics.

What seems to be a new era in astronomy and planetary science is not far off. And while scientists scratching their heads about new projects, let's try to discuss the possibility of colonization of Titan in .


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