Impossible things that are possible on other planets


2017-05-03 18:30:08




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Impossible things that are possible on other planets Source:

People are so accustomed to Earth that any access to space is very expensive, and the flight to another planet is postponed for decades, and all because of our habits. We breathe air, bathe in the sea, enjoying the sunset and the normal force of gravity without even thinking about what unusual can be the same classes for other objects in the galaxy. In fact, how impossible places for our things can be possible somewhere else in space?

Base Jumping. The most extreme sport on Earth may be nothing more than a pleasant walk on another planet. Usually he looks like an athlete jumping in a special suit with wings from a high point and rushes a few metres away from the picturesque ground on the air flow. Then open a parachute and slowly descends to solid ground. But if you jump exactly the same on Titan, you can fly around the satellite as a whole.

The Low gravity and atmospheric composition on this moon of Saturn would allow a person to carry out old dream: to fly like a bird. Just think what new extreme sports could be created literally in our backyard. To fly, it would be sufficient to bounce. However, have to live without taking off the special suit or from the comfort of the dome.

Enormous pressure and the characteristics of the atmosphere make it possible for unusual things to us. For example, the gas becomes… metal. Deep in the bowels of the giant planets Saturn and Jupiter, where the pressure is millions of times higher than the earth, formed an amazing substance — metallic hydrogen. Scientists are trying to recreate it in the lab because of the potentially useful properties. Compounds metallic hydrogen can provide us with efficient and clean fuel for rockets, and superconductors that work at room temperature. Would turn over all the field of technology. And if we somehow learned to exist in conditions similar to Jupiter's one, we could rediscover the periodic table of elements.

Some space at home would turn to the familiar routine of life in torture. When the planet rotates very close to the star, the gravitational pull of the star can make the world a "tidal locked". Such an object will always be rotated the same side to its star like the Moon always shows one side of the Earth. This means that on one half of the ball is always going to be a night and another day. However, due to the endless stream of light the water will evaporate and move to the other, colder half of the planet. Such is the cycle. Temperature also will vary greatly. Life would be possible only in the so-called "twilight zones", the border between the two hemispheres. People could choose for themselves eternal night or eternal day.

Generally, a few extra stars can dramatically change the appearance from the planet's surface. We are accustomed to observe the movement of the Sun across the sky from day to day. But if our system was not one sun? HD 188753 — first discovered planet in a triple star system. The view from this planet is simply amazing. Triple sunsets and sunrises, the play of light and rare nights. Each of us would cast three shadows. Keep track of time too, it would be much more difficult.

But the most interesting that can be found on another planet or satellite, — this, of course, a life completely unlike our composition and habitat conditions. And the most interesting that to test this we will succeed very soon. A few years ago scientists discovered on Titan, a strange lake — reservoirs in which the water is methane. In this case, the moon of Saturn also has an atmosphere of hydrocarbons, many organic compounds and favorable conditions for the development of life. But what could be this life?

Scientists at Cornell University have modeled a new type of creatures who could not breathe oxygen, but methane, which on Titan very much. They managed to create a cell membrane consisting of nitrogen compounds and capable of functioning in liquid methane at a temperature of 273 degrees below zero.

Similarly, in our galaxy there are many places which could be life based on silicon, not carbon, as on Earth. On the planet she would never find a place, like many other things. New unique properties of familiar elements could save us from hunger and poverty, to access new technologies and implement the quantum leap. A small package with diamond planet 55 Cancri e could solve all the financial problems of Land. That is why we need to continue to explore space and look for unusual planet. To make the impossible possible.


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