Death: how will the universe die?


2018-10-25 18:15:16




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Death: how will the universe die? Source:

Once you die. After seconds or a thousand years, whatever. Your body and all of its components will cease to function and will be reunited with the Earth as an ordinary, lifeless material. The earth too will die, covered by an expanding, aging Sun. The sun will burn all its fuel, turn into a white dwarf, then fizzle out and die. The milky Way will collide with Andromeda and forms a giant elliptical galaxy, which will die, losing all their stars into intergalactic space.

The Corpses of these remaining stars will die, separating into its component parts. The universe will get old as long as the whole matter will be in black holes or not going to swim in the form of free elementary particles. These black holes evaporate and the universe will die. All that was, will become cold nothing forever.


will die As the universe

This ending is one of the happiest possible, "heat death", aka the heat death that will leave us time to say goodbye. The truth is that the universe is much older people, it was long before us and will long after us, and to contemplate her death we most likely will not have. Because we are insignificant. We only need to study physics and be entertained, waiting for his reunion with the Ground.

"We can try to understand it, but to influence at least in some way — no," says Katie Mack, assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina. "We do not inherit the cosmos. It's an interesting concept."

Heat death or "big freeze", is generally regarded as the most probable future based on how things look today. The universe is expanding and will continue to expand. With the development of the universe, stars will be formed less due to the dilution of dust and gas. The last black holes will slowly evaporate, losing energy in the process of Hawking radiation, may, within 10100 years. After some time disintegrate the remaining particles, and the universe will take an average temperature of almost absolute zero. The universe is, at its core, is so great and scarce that the chances of finding her anything at all are practically zero.

Of Course, all this will happen soon. If people are experiencing their own desire for self-destruction, the atmosphere of the Earth will last another billion years before the Sun 7-10 billion years, after which it will become a red giant, throw your outer layers and then remains lit core the size of Earth but much heavier. It is a white dwarf. Small red star can survive for another hundred trillion years, says John Baez, a physicist from the University of California riverside. Perhaps people will be able to move to one of the planets near a red dwarf like Proxima Centauri, to live out their days. These timescales beyond human comprehension — just try to imagine how much time it will take to overcome the universe in its current size, if you stop and count every atom in its path.

"Probably, this picture is very sad," says Baez. "People are animals that think about the future, and we like to think of life as a story with a happy ending".


Heat death of the Universe or something else?

Some rather more eventful theoretical fate of the Universe can catch it much earlier. For Example, A Big Gap. As you know, in 1998 scientists discovered that the universe is not just expanding, but expanding faster and faster. They suggested that for rapid expansion, is a kind of energy inherent in the apparent vacuum of the Universe is dark energy. There is a probability that in 100 billion years, dark energy will cause the universe will expand so fast it'll break galaxies, solar systems, planets and atoms before they lose their energy of their own. The space between each point will increase indefinitely. Theoretical physicists are betting on heat death of the universe, but who knows how it will end actually surveillance does not prohibit other options.

There is Also a chance that they will change the vacuum of space. Perhaps the "Higgs field" that permeates the universe and gives subatomic particles mass, is not in the low-energy configuration. Perhaps it is "metastable" at its core is a low energy state, which it can decay. Imagine that you're going through life, living on the platform, and think you are on solid ground is this platform is in a metastable state. Once the platform collapses and will show the true bottom in hundred metres below. The laws of physics as we've known it will cease to work, you will fall down and die. This can happen if the universe goes from a metastable state to a more stable — if we were on the platform. The universe will end, because this new universe with lower energy will not be able to sustain the current Standard model, all the particles that make up matter. It is unlikely, however, that this event will occur before the heat death. But it would be nice.

"In some place of the Universe is born, the bubble of true vacuum that would expand at the speed of light and engulf the Universe, destroying everything," says Mac. Light speed of this event means that you will not see it on the way — death will be instantaneous.

However, not all possible spaceoutcomes associated with desolation and emptiness. Perhaps in some distant future, the vacuum energy of the universe spontaneously jump and initiates inflation in this point of space, which will begin to form entirely new universes. Alan Guth, a physicist at mit who invented the theory of cosmic inflation, foresaw this turn of events. Maybe that formed our universe. Maybe an infinite number of universes formed in this way. Perhaps, beyond our own universe there are many places that will not affect its demise.

"That's the most optimistic theory, because even if our part of the Universe dies, other parts may storing life, will exist forever," says Gut. In any case, our universe will die.

Perhaps dark energy is not inherent in the space, constant. Perhaps her strength will fall, which will eventually slow the expansion of the universe. The force of gravity will again take possession and all collapses with the "big crunch".

There's a lot we don't know about the universe, so any of these ideas may be true. Any new discovery about the nature of dark energy, the Higgs boson, or the space-time could reveal a completely different fate of the Universe in which the collapsing or there worlds are intertwined infinity and time stands still. Humanity is doomed, regardless of, whether it wants or not.

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