10 secrets of science that will make you immortal in this century


2017-11-22 11:00:13




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10 secrets of science that will make you immortal in this century Source:

With each passing day science brings humanity to the old dream: immortality. The path to immortality is thorny and difficult, but the end goal justifies any means (although this is debatable). It is highly likely that born in this century will not have to die. Looking at the achievements of biologists, neuroscientists, engineers and pharmacists in the context of life extension, I want only one thing: to delay the critical moment as far as possible, to overcome the threshold of the infinite pack. Yes, man is "sudden death", as one of the main characters of classic literature, but examples of people living to a hundred years and more, give hope that the Reaper can be fooled. The good news is that if you stand on the road of struggle with the inevitable end, to lose nothing to have. Death — it is the ultimate end of any struggle, so the struggle with death it seems taken for granted.

The Man — a complex set of dynamic factors consists of billions of cells, bone and muscle tissue, heart, kidney, neurons, and memories. To re-create person other than the natural way seems impossible in the foreseeable future. However, with the development of computer technology and the advent of artificial intelligence, it becomes obvious that many of the tools of nature, we could, if not repeat, then at least to imitate it. People can be a complex set of individual parameters, the sum of all the parts, but upon closer examination all these pieces are subject to the usual and universal laws. Does this mean that we will be able to cheat death, if you become familiar with these laws? Let's see.


organ Farming

Physical health rests on many factors, which are, as a rule, to the absence of infectious, viral, hereditary and acquired diseases and the integrity of the body.

The existence Of bacteria that people could only guess before the beginning of the last century. Think about it: Microbiology as a distinct science did not exist any more one hundred and fifty years ago, was alive when your great-great-grandmother. Just look at modern medicine, to understand what a huge leap in improving the quality of life for the people who gave the appearance of microscopes and Microbiology as such. Now we can treat infectious diseases and very successfully. And despite the worsening problems in the form of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, we are confident that we will find a way to cope with the disease.

But what to do with the bodies? A broken arm will not be cured by pills, and in need of a heart transplant will not save the shot. Even worse is the case with lost as a result of amputation or tragic events the authorities. You cannot just take and transplant the leg, hoping that the body will restore all the neural connections and learn to manipulate a new limb. Waiting for a transplant of internal organs is growing each year. What to do if you, on your way to immortality suddenly lose a couple of feet or hands? Life will lose its former meaning.

Fortunately, in this direction actively. Scientists propose a solution in the form grown in other media bodies. Pluripotent stem cells that exist in humans in infancy, have an amazing power: they can differentiate into any type of tissue except nazaralieva (placenta and yolk SAC). Taking cells of adult human, turning them into pluripotent and multiply, scientists could get an unlimited amount of raw materials to create and recreate a loved one of body. It remains only to find the stem cells, but more on that below, and create "farm" for growing.

In 2016, the canadian biophysicist Andrew Pelling and his team from the University of Ottawa have successfully grown human tissue, using... apples. Using the method of decellularization, they removed the cells of the Apple and are left with a cellular "scaffolding", almost dry Apple, freeing him from the "meat". Then Apple cut a piece in the shape of the ear and filled with human cells. So there was the auricle. Pelling claims that his method will allow you to quickly and cheaply create deficient implants to restore human organs.


Stem cells

Stem cells are undecided cells that can transform into other cells — heart, neuron, liver, lung, skin. They can share and grow. A child or young person, these stem cells act as built-in repairers. They heal and restore normal function of damaged organs.

The aging stocks of stem cells are reduced in 100 or even 10,000 times, in different tissues and organs. In addition, they are experiencing genetic mutations that reduce their quality and effectiveness in the repair of the body. Agree, it would be great to stop the degeneration of the stem cells and maintain their stocks for an unlimited time.

At the beginning of this article we talked about the fact that "born in this century will not have to die." You see, at birth the human body is in a state of biological perfection, the doctor says Bob Hariri. Authorities have not undergone a lot of harmful stimuli such as electromagnetic radiation, chemicals, biological code is not spoiled. At the moment of birth to take the baby's stem cells with the original, it still does not corrupted DNA, propagated in large numbers for the future and freeze. Take note for your child to when will stem cell banks (and they already appear), it would be possible to provide him with an infinite regeneration for many years. Will take place some twenty years, and the stem cells will change medicine, and hence a person's life forever.


Cancellation of old age

Speaking of immortality, interested people talking about physiological health and quality of eternal life. No one wants to spend eternity in the body of a feeble old man — tired kind of life people are often asked to unplug them from life support or to give euthanasia. Man deserves eternal life at a young and full of energy body. The antithesis of the youth — old age, here who is our main enemy.

Like a car, the human body with time begins to grow decrepit, to acquire problem — the cells age, the body's defenses are depleted, harmful wastes build up, muscles get weaker and so on. The only difference is that the human body is much hardier of the car and is much more effective.

Senescent cells — aging cells that can no longer divide, creating new cells — can be removed. Experiments on mice that were administered injections of the drug Foxo4-DRI showed that mice live longer by 30%. Scientists target ageing cells, because they see in them the root of all senile troubles, from the fragility of the body and a weakened immune system before the advent of age-related diseases. Currently actively developed tools effect on the aging cells and rejuvenate the body. For example, a compound based on resveratrol which in small amounts found in red wine and berries, was able to rejuvenate cells by restoring the splicing of RNA, which updates senescent cells. Aging of cells is manifested in particular in the shortening of telomeres — the DNA at the ends of chromosomes. Some factors of RNA splicing, which decreases with age, can restore the telomeres, along with the restoration of the telomeres and stop the aging of cells. Is it any drink red wine in large quantities? No, of course: resveratrol there is very little. But since the effective coupling is already showing its results (albeit on animals), and the possible connections of thousands, it promises us a healthy immortality. Can someone can there be any doubt that for 20-30-40 or even 50 years scientists will find an effective cure for old age? Well, fifty years ago, people did not fly into space.

Now one thing is clear: different drugs tested on laboratory pigs, and to clinical trials on humans is still far, but the number of ways of salvation grows from year to year, and interdisciplinary collaboration demonstrate a striking effect. And we have from biology is not moved.


a Strict diet

In recent years there have been increasing evidence that extreme dieting and fasting, and a lifetime limitation of calories consumed, 30% can be a remarkable cure for old age. The idea that the organism lives longer when more hungry and eating less, rooted in the distant past. But in fact the rejection of 25-50% of daily calories causes people anger and denial. Why you need eternal life if you cannot enjoy your favorite cakes with pureskill and hamburgers?

However, a team of scientists led by gerontologist Valter Longo of the University of southern California concluded that the effects of rejuvenation can come without subscribing to a lifelong hunger strike. "Diet, simulating the post" within five days a month for three months, repeated as needed, will be "safe, effective and effectively reduce risk factors of aging and the appearance of age-related diseases". It turns out, periodic abstinence from food promises optimum increase in healthy years of life.

It is Important to understand that these findings are preliminary and not proven 100%. As the possibility of immortality as such. But we have come to the conclusion that in a fight to the death any ways can be good. And striving for immortality now will use all possible means to hold on to the critical moment at which to die will not have to.

At the heart of theories about the life-saving diet is the idea that the regenerative effects of the body are caused not so much by restricting calories as the subsequent recovery. In contrast, long-term and continuous restriction can lead to negative consequences like anorexia. Intermittent fasting — five days in the month is reduces body weight, improves the level of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, Nar...


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