A new explanation of dark energy: the fault of the matter


2017-09-13 21:00:09




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A new explanation of dark energy: the fault of the matter Source:

When 20 years ago it became clear that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating, scientists presented this all, a simple and verifiable explanation. But as soon as he received more and more data from experiments and observations, the reason for the existence of dark energy is presumably the cause of this acceleration remained elusive. Although technically it is equivalent to the "cosmological constant" (or energy intrinsic to space), there is no way to deduce its value. But if you remember that the placement of certain forms of matter in empty space to change the forces acting on this matter, perhaps dark energy occurs on a very simple principle: because in our Universe at all matter exists as such.

Map the clustering of galaxies in our Universe. The presence of these structures may explain the presence and strength of dark energy is entirely

Most of the forces and phenomena have roots that are easy to detect. Two massive object experiencing the gravitational force due to the fact that space-time is curved due to the presence of matter and energy. The universe expanded because it has its own history of changes of energy density in the Universe and the initial conditions of expansion. And all particles in the Universe interact in a certain way due to the well known rules of quantum field theory and the exchange of vector bosons. From the smallest subatomic particles to the largest scales are the same forces that move particles and galaxies.

the Strong interaction, which appears due to the presence of "shift colors" and the exchange of gluons, holds the nucleus of atoms together

Even the most mysterious phenomena in the basis store explanations, which are well understood. We don't know why the Universe has more matter than antimatter, but we know that the conditions that we need this to be a violation of the baryon number, C and CP-violation. We don't know what is the nature of dark matter, but its General properties, where is it, and what is being clustered, this is all well understood. We don't know, black holes preserve information, but we understand the final and initial state of these objects, and also how they are born and what happens to their event horizons with time.

Illustration of a black hole and its environment, and accelerating the inflating of disk accretion. The initial and the final state of black holes can be well predicted, even if the loss or preservation of information

But there is one thing we do not understand dark energy. Of course, we can measure the acceleration of the Universe and accurately understand its value. But why do we even have a universe with a non-zero value of dark energy? Why empty space in which nothing – no matter, no curvature, no radiation, nothing, – has a positive nonzero energy? And why is the amount of energy that was incomprehensible tiny and completely invisible during the first billion years of the history of the Universe, the beginning of the Universe to capture only the moment of appearance in it of the Earth?

illustration of a protoplanetary disk where the planets formed and planetesimals, forming gaps in the disk. Four or five billion years ago, formed when our Solar system, dark energy at the same time started to capture the expansion of the Universe and the energy density

There are a lot of interesting things we can associate with dark energy and the Universe as a whole. There are a lot of empty space that permeates the quantum field. There were no areas in the Universe where matter has penetrated gravitational, electromagnetic or nuclear interaction; they're everywhere. If we try to calculate a so-called vacuum expected value (condensate) of various quantum fields, we are faced with an infinite number of members and will be able to record it only approximately. We will always be dealing with approximations. And as far as we know, they are not balanced, and the universe is not slowing down – it really accelerated. Somehow the space is a small non-zero energy. And this energy causes distant galaxies in the Universe away from us with ever increasing speed, albeit slowly, but constantly.

The Question "why?" does not cease to torment theorists. Why the universe is expanding faster? We can't explain the presence of this dark energy. Perhaps we don't understand the Universe itself. However, there is another option about which we rarely think: perhaps this property of empty space is determined by the presence of other things, like the matter in the Universe.

There is reason to believe it's possible, which is called the Casimir effect. It is well known to us.

Illustration of the Casimir effect and how forces outside of the plates differ from forces between them

What is the electromagnetic force of empty space? Zero, of course. In the absence of charges, currents and matter to interact, it will be zero, no kidding. But if you place two metal plates a certain distance between themselves, and then ask again, what will be the electromagnetic force, it will cease to be zero. Due to the fact that some fashion quantum fluctuations are forbidden due to the boundaries of the plate, we are not only predictable, but also measure a non-zero force between the plates, arising from virtually empty space. And most interestingly, all forces, including gravity, showing the Casimir effect.

Map more than a million galaxies in the Universe; each point is a separate galaxy. Different color mean distance; red – on

What happens when we try to apply this effect to the whole Universe and calculate the effect? The answer is simple: we get something in some form corresponds to the dark energy, but – once again – of a different order. And it may be the fact that we don't know fully, what are the boundary conditions of the Universe or how to calculate quantum-gravitational effect.

The mapping of the Universe can be the easy part. We could hardly wait for observed or experimental breakthrough, which will lead us to understanding dark energy, the most elusive forces in the Universe. We may need a theoretical breakthrough. And maybe he will be associated with the trace anomaly, a change in dynamic value or even a trace of extra dimensions. We only recently found it the most difficult to explain the secret. Perhaps the solution will lie in already known physics.



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