NASA has shown how it is possible to detect life on Mars


2019-02-28 21:00:08




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NASA has shown how it is possible to detect life on Mars Source:

Right now, on Mars there is a probe in the middle of February began to prepare to on the surface. With it, the researchers intend to obtain information on heat flow in the earth, but a new experiment by NASA proving that in this way you can even find living organisms. The experience was carried out in the Chilean Atacama desert — the only place on Earth that at least some repeats of the conditions of the red planet.

Billions of years ago Mars was quite suitable for life — the temperature was close to the earth, and on the surface was liquid water. Today, on its surface there is hardly something alive — planet washed with lethal doses of radiation from the water was only barely visible traces, and the temperature at night drops to -100 degrees Celsius.

According to the lead author of the study Stephen Poynting, life on Mars should look beneath its surface. Layer of the Martian soil could protect animals from dangerous radiation, and besides, it can be saved the living water. In such circumstances, it is unable to dwell hardy microorganisms — they were discovered in the depths of the Atacama desert.

To Get them managed in an experimental Rover with drilling rig, developed by engineers from Carnegie-Mellon. After making a hole with a depth of about 80 inches, the device has mined the soil samples barren desert. Also the samples were taken manually by comparing extracted by different methods soil, they found that between them there is no difference. This means that the Rover is quite capable to gather samples without destroying them reigning in bacterial life.

The study was done and less joyful discovery. It turned out that living organisms in the desert is not evenly distributed. This is due to the limited availability of water and nutrients — the same thing probably is happening on Mars. Therefore, if the planet is life, researchers will have to do a lot of trial and error before you find it. According to Stephen Poynting, "Martian life may be a little needle in a huge haystack."

The discovery of life on Mars may take a lot of time and money due to the inability of the Rovers to examine carefully the soil with the help of built-in tools. Ready NASA or another space Agency to collect and send soil samples to the Earth, it is not yet clear — for this you need the most advanced technology and millions of dollars.

What do you think how the world responds to the detection of life on Mars? Your bold assumption, write in the comments, and discuss other news of science and technologies .


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