Gravitational waves: the key to unlocking new dimensions?


2017-05-12 13:00:09




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Gravitational waves: the key to unlocking new dimensions? Source:

If we want to find extra dimensions in our Universe, that is, the existence of what we are trying to explain the so-called string Theory, we should turn our attention to gravitational waves. Because they may be the key to their discovery, physicists say.

This is how you can briefly describe the idea of a new hypothesis, which tries to find an answer to the unsolved mystery of physics: why gravity in fact turns out to be weaker than the other fundamental forces of our Universe? According to the new hypothesis, the "leakage" of gravity is precisely in the other dimensions that we have yet to discover.

"the probability of the existence of other dimensions has been discussed for quite some time and with very different points of view," — says Emiliana dudes from the Polytechnic school in Paris.

"the Gravitational waves, in turn, can be key to discovery of these extra dimensions".

It is Now widely accepted is the idea of four dimensions — three spatial (length, width, height) and one time (time). However, our knowledge of how matter behaves on the small scale, contain many gaps to fill which could additional six dimensions. So says string Theory, according to which everything in the Universe could be much easier to understand and easier to explain if we accept the idea of the existence of 10 dimensions. Furthermore, string Theory is seen as the most likely way to finally fill the gaps between classical and quantum physics, becoming the basis for a future theory of quantum gravity.

According to this theory, tiny particles of matter that we can detect quarks, can actually consist of even smaller particles – a one-dimensional fibre, energy, their behavior is reminiscent of a vibrating string. These "strings" are of much interest to scientists for a simple reason. It is believed that they will be able to do something that is not able to make our modern physics, namely to accurately describe all known fundamental forces, including gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces. They can also help us understand why the universe is still expanding. However, the main (and perhaps only significant) problem with it is that its mathematical justification, they (strings) require at least 10 measurements. And the trouble is that we have not come close even to open one extra.

However physics Gustavo Lucena Gomez and David Andriot from the max Planck Institute of physics in Germany believe that the hope for the discovery of these extra dimensions we have. And this hope are gravitational waves, long ago predicted the great Einstein and only recently confirmed by modern scientists.

Gravitational waves were one of the hottest topics last year, when the physics of LIGO – a giant two observatories located in the U.S. States of Louisiana and California – has announced that for the first time discovered direct evidence of the existence of the so-called ripples in space-time that about 100 years ago Einstein predicted. These waves travel through spacetime at the speed of light and appear as a result of some of the most catastrophic events in the Universe such as mergers of black holes or explosions of stars. They are able to pass and thereby affect all the known dimensions in the Universe and, most likely, even those we are not yet able to detect.

"If the Universe has extra dimensions, then it would be logical to assume that gravitational waves will exist in all these dimensions,", — says Gomez.

Gomez and Andriot derived a mathematical model describing the expected effects of gravitational waves on the measurements and determined two key factors. First, according to the researchers, the extra dimensions can manifest itself through high-frequency gravitational waves. Second, in different dimensions, gravitational waves have different effects on stretching the "fabric" of the Universe.

According to the researchers, in the first case to detect would be to have equipment thousands of times more sensitive than LIGO to the same.

"We haven't met the astrophysical processes that create gravitational waves with a frequency much higher than 1000 Hz, so, if you have a heavy duty and sensitive detector, we would immediately understand what we are. Determination of the frequencies of this level would hint at the discovery of new physics."

And the second case will require physicists to the study of abnormal changes in the impact on space-time "ordinary gravitational waves" (i.e. those that we can identify now) and those that would be available at gravitational waves from other dimensions.

"the Deformation of space-time would be represented in a certain, distinctive from the rest of the form," — scientists.

Science columnist Newsweek Hannah Osborne is more optimistic about the possibility of finding extra dimensions through their effect on gravity waves. In her view, will require a detector sensitivity of the LIGO laboratories, working as one. Osborn believes that "these technologies will become available in the near future."

The Existence of other dimensions can be the answer of modern physics, which is so long and eagerly sought by scientists. Other dimensions could lead to the creation of a unified theory of the Universe which reconciles quantum field theory, General relativity principles.

Opinion about the probability of the existence of extra dimensions is shared by many scientists. For example, physicist Bobby Acharya of king's College, London believes that the universe is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, and hide in it can be anything. He believes in extra dimensions, but understands that the current level of technology does not allow to detect them.

"For the creation and redistribution of gravitational waves in other dimensions you will need to have a tremendous amount of energy. Even if you manage to create a wave that will seep into other dimensions, the scale will be so small that the frequency of gravitational waves in this case will be very high, much higher than the current detection capabilities of the gravitational wave detector LIGO".



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