The North pole of the Earth wants to go to Siberia. Why?


2019-12-25 02:20:08




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The North pole of the Earth wants to go to Siberia. Why? Source:

most Likely the Aurora will be visible from regions of Central Siberia in the near future.

Despite all its seeming serenity, our planet is not as peaceful as it may seem. It turns out that even the most resistant to change phenomenon can at any moment completely change all traditional concepts of the science of physical processes taking place inside of the globe. So, all of a sudden, the magnetic North pole of the Earth was able to walk about 2250 kilometers towards the Eurasian mainland, plunges into a stupor of modern scientists. Although the geographic North pole is where it always was, its magnetic counterpart — the one that is marked with the letter “N” on modern compasses, for some reason, is actively trying to get into Siberia. Why is this happening?

North pole goes to Siberia

Earth — the region that spans the globe, allowing living beings that live on the surface of the planet, not to be afraid of harmful cosmic rays and radiation. The presence of the Earth magnetic field allows the planet to reject our sun-charged particles that, subject to the magnetic lines of the Earth, moving in the direction of the poles of the planet. It is in these zones of accumulation of charged particles we can often see the so-called Northern and southern lights, which indicate the constant struggle of the Earth killing all life streams of high-energy electrons, protons and neutrons.

Without the presence of the Earth's magnetic field, our planet would become impossible.

As is known, the magnetic poles of our planet are in constant motion due to fluctuations of the flow of molten iron in Earth's core. However, due to the fact that the natural movement of liquid matter in the depths of our planet is quite slow, like the wandering of the magnetic zones would involve an extremely low speed, which could easily observe the researchers. However, according to an article published on the portal recently, the movement of iron for some reason, greatly accelerated, and the average speed of his movements in the space of approximately 55 kilometers per year. Scientists believe that this rate exceeded all previous observations, once again proving how little we know about the changes in the core of our own planet.

While the researchers can't fully explain the fluctuations of the kernel affecting in the extreme restlessness of the North pole, they can map the magnetic field and calculate its speed of movement in time. According to the calculations presented in World magnetic model, the magnetic North pole is moving towards Russia, threatening sooner or later to cause a change of magnetic poles. It is known that the repetition of such events already exist in the history of mankind, repeating every few hundred thousand years.

Despite all our advances in technology and science, the consequences of a possible change of poles is still unknown to science, however, it is clear that even when more significant acceleration, humanity can sleep up to 2025. Similar Outlook we are pleased with WMM — the system that predicts potential changes of the magnetic poles of the planet.


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