How to choose a thermal imager?


2020-07-14 17:40:09




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How to choose a thermal imager? Source:

thermal Imaging cameras have long ceased to be only an army device

Now thermal imagers are very useful devices which has found its application in many spheres of activity: protection, army, hunting tourism, and more. Therefore, in recent years it has become very many, which significantly complicated the choice of a good imager. Few are versed in such devices, and specialists in this field is very small. Today, try to understand what is modern imaging, how it works and what its main features you must consider when buying.

How does a thermal imaging camera

The imager is that it displays the invisible to the human eye thermal background IR radiation. For example, using the infrared camera in hunting, you can count on the fact that the thermal background of the animal will be reflected in the «chilled background» environment. This way you will be able to see down to the smallest detail, the silhouette of the animal that will allow you to make the most accurate shot.

the Hunters have become widely used thermal imaging cameras for night hunting.

How to choose a thermal imager?

Since entering the market, cameras have indeed become more affordable, including it can be considered a merit of one of the most popular manufacturers of optical and opto-electrical devices Pulsar. However, the purchase of a thermal imager is a serious financial investment and it really requires to approach the selection of your first serious imager.

The First thing you need to do is define the problem for which you need a thermal imager, and sphere of use in which you intend to use the imager. And, of course, to determine the budget that you are going to spend on buying the device (the price fully depends on the functionality of the gadget).


Key features of the thermal imagers

Basic characteristics of the imager include:

  • Extension;
  • the
  • angular field of view;
  • the
  • Temperature range;
  • the
  • thermal Sensitivity;
  • the
  • refresh rate;
  • an
  • battery life.

Let's Talk more about each component.

thermal Expansion is one of the main parameters of the imager, so as an extension of the matrix of the device indicates the number of heat points that will be displayed on the display device. So, the more expansion of the matrix and, consequently, more thermal points, the more accurate the final image.

Angle of view – feature, which records the field observations. Pay attention to this indicator, if you need a more detailed study of objects.

Sensitivity is a characteristic of the imager, which shows the sensitivity of the instrument to the determination of temperatures. The highest characteristic is considered to be <30 MK, high <60 microns, the average <80 microns.

refresh rate is a characteristic of the imager, which is where, with what frequency will the change of personnel on the display of your measuring device. Please note that if you have no need for dynamic monitoring, you can choose the device with the minimum refresh rate, saving part of your budget.

battery life – if you need a thermal imager with a long battery life, then pay attention to this point. For example, the average thermal imaging binoculars work without recharging for about 5 hours.

what is the feature of thermal imagers Pulsar

the better the imaging, the more accurate its readings.

As we have mentioned above, Pulsar – one of the leading manufacturers of thermal imagers. Their devices have a wide range of functions, they are high quality and affordable, which attracts users worldwide.

At the moment represented by the following model series of thermal imagers Pulsar:

  • Helion (updated a row – Helion 2);
  • the
  • Axion (devices Axion and Axion XM30S Key).

A Qualitative case material, light weight devices, integration with mobile devices, soft image, a built-in video recorder, water resistant, maximum flexibility mode "picture in picture" is only a small part of what offer modern thermal Pulsar.

If the operating principle and main characteristics of current imaging after reading this article, you seem to already understand, I suggest you visit the site to choose the specific device that fits your needs and area of use. If you still have technical questions, you can always seek the advice of a representative of Pulsar, which with pleasure will help to choose your first imager.


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