Parse the advice of the who to protect against coronavirus. Than to wash hands, how to protect eyes?


2020-03-14 17:20:13




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Parse the advice of the who to protect against coronavirus. Than to wash hands, how to protect eyes? Source:

The world health organization shared basic precautions to protect against coronavirus infection COVID-19. To avoid being infected, wash your hands regularly, keep your distance (minimum 1 meter) in public places, do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or crook of the elbow, when the temperature increases, coughing and breathing difficulty do not hesitate to contact the doctor on the phone and try not to leave the house, so as not to infect others.

The Risk of infection is really high today even in Russia, since the exact figures on infected and many are hesitant to consult a doctor over the phone, believing the disease fiction — "I Like it because of a cold go to the health center". The logic of people is this, but today is not the case when you can afford if you have symptoms of flu and colds not to go to the doctor.

who Recommendations for the population because of the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19)


wash your hands Regularly

This is a pretty standard and logical requirement. of Why you need to wash your hands? it's simple. The hands may be a virus, and wash with soap and water will simply kill it. of What soap is best suitable? I would recommend antibacterial soap Saveguard, it can be found on the shelves of any store. But even more effective is soap, it is effective against bacteria and fungi. Here is the usual soap:

soap — effective against bacteria and fungi. It is even used in the fight against yeast infection

You may have noticed that embossed on it the figure is 72% (it is also possible to 65% and 70%), which means the percentage of fatty acids, and the larger the percentage, the better it copes with infection. Plus soap is that it is made from organic materials (vegetable oil, fats). It is so harmless that soapy water you can even water the plants. Some even suggest washing soap head to get rid of dandruff and give your hair strength.

Another effective means can be antibacterial wipes with >60% concentration of isopropyl alcohol skin antisepsis. You can use any of the options, most importantly a large percentage of the alcohol content, because in this case, bacteria on your hands can kill. And, by the way, that is why we recommend not to use vodka because it has the alcohol content of only 40%, which is insufficient for destruction of the virus.


Keep your distance in public areas

Who offers to keep people at a distance of 1 meter, in particular it concerns cases when the person sneezes and coughs.

Why you need to keep your distance? When a person sneezes and coughs, he spreads around himself a small virus particles, which when inhaled air can get into your body.

Why is 1 meter? the Question is interesting and controversial, because not so long ago, that the virus is able to spread by sneezing and coughing at a distance of up to 1.8 meters, so we recommend you to be away from passers-by at a distance of two meters.

The Requirement is clear and correct, try to stick to it. Of course, in metro it will be difficult, but in this case you can try to use a respiratory mask, to reduce the risk of infection, but still high probability that small particles of the virus enters the body, as the material used in protective masks, not able to hold very small particles, in addition, the virus can easily enter the body through the eyes, so the mask is effective if it is infected with the virus people.

How to protect eyes from the coronavirus? protect Eyes with specialized medical points, however the probability of infection through the eyes is quite low, and you will look in them, quite frankly, it is strange, therefore, to wear spectacles in everyday life do not need.

The Most effective way — a temporary transition to remote work. Ask your company to consider this issue, based on the risk of Contracting the virus.


if possible, do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth

the Use of masks will protect you from the ingress of large particles of the virus in your body, but masks are not efficient enough to combat the coronavirus, because the virus can enter the body through the eyes, so a mask, rather, you need to wear for those who are infected with the virus.

Why not to touch your face? The who explains that the hands we touch a lot of items, which can be a virus. It (the virus) is easily transmitted from objects to the human skin, therefore, after a certain period hands can be covered with virus particles, and should once again not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth, so as not to give chance for the virus to get into your body.


Follow the rules of respiratory hygiene

Who is coughing and sneezing cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or crook of the elbow. Why to cover the face bend of the elbow, not your hands? If you cover your face with your hands, the particles of the virus after sneezing or coughing will be on hand, and there is a risk that you, touching various subjects can easily infect otherspeople.

The world health organization advises after sneezing and coughing, throw the tissue, since it already contains a virus. In addition, a napkin is better to throw in the garbage container with a lid that virus particles from the container using flow of air is not spread around the room.


With increasing temperature, the cough and difficulty breathing as soon as possible seek medical help

This is the most important rule — if you notice something wrong, immediately consult a health care professional on the phone (no need to visit the hospital, so as not to put other people in danger), and before that, wear a mask to avoid infecting loved ones.


Follow the latest information and follow the recommendations of medical professionals

Stay tuned for the latest information on COVID-19. Follow the recommendations of specialists of Central and local public health authorities, as well as the organization in which you work, to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

This is important advice. In addition, stay tuned to be updated with the latest news.

Measures personal protection for those who recently visited the area of distribution COVID -19

  • If you feel bad, stay home until recovery
  • the
  • worse? Call the medical facility to inform them about the ailment and your recent travels. The health worker will refer you to a suitable institution. This will reduce the risk of infection by a coronavirus other people visiting the hospital.

What are effective ways of protection in the fight against coronavirus you know? Share your tips in the comments to this publish and dont forget about ours .

world health organization offers to study tips on protection against infection with a coronavirus


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