5 of the greatest scientists in the history of mankind


2020-07-18 01:20:17




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5 of the greatest scientists in the history of mankind Source:

albert Einstein — the man who is synonymous with the word "science"

Every day we follow the news of science, but what is it? If to speak in essence, science is an activity in which humanity learns and puts into a single system a variety of facts about the reality around us. There are many scientific areas that are focused on the study of the cosmos, of living organisms, their life and so on. People who contribute to the development of these areas, called scientists. These heroes, through which we have cars, computers and space ships, one can count thousands. But history is particularly outstanding scientists, no discoveries which mankind has long hovered in one place. Let us remember a dozen great scientists and their discoveries? Read more about them you can learn from the literature and documentaries — about the best and most detailed works I will also mention.

albert Einstein — smart funny guy

This name is perhaps known to everyone since childhood. And the image of the "mad" scientist with dishevelled hair and protruding tongue, it is hardly possible to forget. A German scientist born in 1879 in his entire 76-year life he wrote more than 300 scientific papers and was the author of 150 books and articles in the field of philosophy of science and history. Being an honorary doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, albert Einstein kept a great sense of humor. Here is the nerd could say the following:

In my youth, I found that the big toe sooner or later does a hole in the toe. So I stopped wearing socks.

Albert Einstein is considered one of the founders of theoretical physics, because he developed such important physical theories, such as:

  • theory of relativity, which we have been told ;
  • the
  • quantum statistics Bose — Einstein referred to ;
  • the
  • the equivalence of mass and energy
  • the
  • theory of gravity that too .

albert Einstein — Nobel laureate in physics 1921

On the contribution of albert Einstein to science, you can write dozens of thick books and take a lot of long movies. This, in principle, humanity is actively engaged in to this day. Interesting facts about Einstein you can see from the article author Hi-News.ru Ilya Hel — here did you know it ? And one of the most interesting films about the German scientist, I think 2008 — I advise you to look at.

Marie Curie — a life in the name of science

This name is also known almost everyone who was in school. Why, because Marie Curie is considered one of the greatest female scientists. This is the first woman who was awarded the Nobel prize in physics is a momentous event occurred in 1903. Moreover, she is a Nobel laureate twice, because in 1911 she received the same award for achievements in the field of chemistry.

the personal belongings of Marie Curie not to touch 1500 years, because they are radioactive

Maria Curie known as the man who for the first time in history told the world about the phenomenon of radioactivity. Along with her husband, Pierre Curie, she literally turned the scientific ideas of scientists of the XIX eyelids and discovered two new chemical elements: radium and polonium. By the way, her father was a physics teacher and was friends with the Russian chemist Mendeleyev. When she was a mere employee of the laboratory, the scientist has expressed confidence in its great future.

All her life, Maria has been studying radiation, but had no idea that every day destroys your body. In the early twentieth century people did not know about the harmful effects of radioactive substances and used them even in the manufacture of household appliances — the clock of radium, for example, is beautifully shone in the dark. It is not surprising that Marie Curie was carried radioactive elements from the lab home right in your pocket and be able to study them, roughly speaking, even at the kitchen table.

Marie Curie with her husband Pierre Curie

Active interaction with radioactive materials without protective clothing, in the end, was the cause of death of a great woman. In 1934 she died from aplastic anemia and then died, and her daughter Irene Joliot-Curie — the cause was anemia, which was caused by exposure to house radioactive substances. At the moment the personal belongings of Marie Curie can't be used without protective suits, and her body was laid in a zinc coffin. And all because her body and personal belongings emit radiation.

Marie Curie is included in our list of seven scientists . But as a biographical film can be viewed 2019.

Isaac Newton — the Foundation of everything

Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day 1643 — may thus nature has made a huge gift to humanity. The great English mathematician and the founder of classical physicsappeared very painful and the people around him doubted that he would survive. But the boy could have lived up to 84 years, which was enough to study mathematics, physics, mechanics, optics and even astronomy. Perhaps if Isaac Newton had not existed, we would not have today, cars, computers, and other surrounding equipment.

Here are some of the discoveries of Newton:

  • the law of gravity;
  • the
  • principles of classical mechanics;
  • the
  • theory of planetary motion;
  • the
  • first, second

For the life scientist has written numerous scientific papers, but the most important of them is "Mathematical principles of natural philosophy". In Europe, this book was released in an edition of 80 copies. These books are extremely valuable historical objects in 2016, it became known that one of them was sold at auction . The original book is under protection of employees of the Royal Academy of Sciences — as it stands, even scary to imagine.

"Mathematical principles of natural philosophy"

That it became clear how large the contribution to the science was made by Newton, can say one thing — if not for his writings, we would be unlikely today could launch rockets into space. We can say that his work Newton brought humanity to a new level of knowledge and was able to explain the principles of moving objects in the Universe that is light and many other phenomena of our reality. In addition to the interest in mathematics and other scientific fields, Newton was engaged in other matters — for example, in his student years he tried .

Newton was a short, powerfully built, with wavy hair

Actually, Isaac Newton was a very well-rounded — this can explain the abundance of discoveries. This became known only after 200 years since his death but as it turned out, the scientist was also interested in mysticism. About this feature of the great scientist can be learned from the documentary 2013.

Charles Darwin — great traveler

If not for Charles Darwin, and today we wouldn't know how that happened man. Born in 1882 and lived to 73 years of British naturalist is the author of the book "Origin of species" which described the theory of evolution. In General terms this means that all living organisms have a distant and very primitive ancestors who in response to changes in the environment became stronger, quicker and smarter. Sounds quite plausible, but some scientists still doubt the results of the works of Darwin. For example, recently a well-known biologist Masatoshi Nei (Masatoshi Nei) announced that the driving force of evolution is .

Charles Darwin — the man who has seen practically the whole world

Like any self-respecting naturalist, Charles Darwin visited during his world tour — it happened in 1831, in the ship "Beagle". During the trip, the scientist led the notes and have a large collection of marine animals. On the basis of the records were subsequently written a book "Journey of a naturalist around the world on the ship "Beagle". But this book is not the most well-known work of the famous naturalist.

Here are the major works of Charles Darwin:

  • the book "Origin of species" which was published in 1859;
  • the
  • "Changing animals and plants in the home condition," published in 1868;
  • the
  • "the Origin of man and sexual selection" in 1871;
  • the
  • the"Expression of the emotions in man and animals" published in 1872.

To Learn more about the life and works of the British naturalist is possible after watching two films. The first was filmed in 2009 called . The second film was a documentary called .

Nikola Tesla — father of electricity

For many people the name Nikola Tesla is synonymous with "electricity". This genius was born in 1856 and grew up in Austria-Hungary, and then worked in France and the United States. His entire 86-year life Tesla dedicated the creation of devices running on AC energy. Many biographers call him a man, "created the twentieth century". His name is known not only among fans of science, but also in popular culture. It turns out, Nikola Tesla is also known as Emmett brown from "Back to the future".

Nikola Tesla do if descended from the pages of science fiction novels

That was created by Nikola Tesla, is usually described in the pages of fiction books. His contemporary was an American entrepreneur Thomas Edison, who invented light bulbs. But Nikola Tesla always wanted to come up with something better. In the end, he managed to create neon lamps, which could be light, being at a considerable distance. Isn't it magic?

Yes, in addition to Nikola Tesla there was also another great scientist Thomas Edison. His inventions can be read

Nikola Tesla really like the hero of a science fiction novel or movie. At his disposal were even two secret laboratories in which he spent his life-threatening experiments with electricity. In 1899 he had a laboratory in the U.S. state of Colorado. During one of the experiments he created such a voltage that the city of Colorado springs for some time remained without electricity.

Tesla Tower

The Second laboratory was located on the islandLong island, which is located in the North-Eastern United States. But it was impossible to call invisible, because she was a giant tower. With it, the scientist had intended to transfer energy across the entire globe. In his opinion, in this case our planet would tremble, but the experiment was not carried out.

Nikolai Tesla was never home. He lived right in their labs and hotels in new York

On the main you can read in the article the author Hi-News.ru Ilya Hel. And about the personal life of the great "father of alternating current", you can learn from the film , shot in 1979.

On the topic of interesting inventions also suggest reading another article Ilya Hel — in it he told about the inventions that we will never see. And Yes, the ideas of Nicola Tesla there is also mentioned.


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