As online party change our lives. Personal experience


2020-04-21 00:40:10




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As online party change our lives. Personal experience Source:

There will be no entry about the fact that the world faces coronavirus — there is not one person who reads this post and knows about it. Very good if you sit at home and hope they are the majority. I understand that all to sitting at home can't due to various circumstances, but I will tell you about himself and his circle: probably 95% of the people with whom I talk — sitting in isolation. I can recall only two who don't keep at home, but their work does not allow them to stay at home. And although we are allowed to go to the store or the pharmacy — this is clearly not enough. People need . So we are organized. And then the first time I inspired video, and parties using ZOOM. Such a positive experience from entertainment I didn't get a very long time. But about all under the order.

I have isolated themselves from family during the second half of March. The first time was, overall, fine. During a cold or flu, we often stayed for a week at home, and here you are healthy and don't even really understand the consequences of what happens. During the second week started to come to realization that this is all a very long time and there was a small fear for the future. All entered vacation and told to stay home. However, judging by the metric of Yandex, no one to sit in four walls wasn't going to. And the weather we have cleared, and all poured into the street. Then conditions tightened, and all that was close — is closed. Many began to realize that it is better not to risk your lives and the lives of others and still stay home.

Starting from the third week I began to miss people. Not necessarily close, but in General people. I had never really thought about this topic, because and situations such never was. In everyday life we are constantly talking to somebody, even if you don't really want to. Taxi drivers, hairdressers, sellers, colleagues, neighbors, etc. and apparently for our lives we are so used to it that when deprived of this communication — are starting to feel uncomfortable. But I can't go outside to go to the gym or in a cafe — everything is closed. And at that moment began to happen, strange.

At first I began to call family and friends by video conference, rather than doing it only when necessary to show something. Messages or voice I always had. But now we have some inner need to communicate so that you can see the interlocutor. But if it had been just me, could be attributed to some internal troubles. But calls began for me. And also by video conference. I then noted this fact and it seemed to me nothing more than just fun.

In my life I have it looks something like this. Sorry for the quality, didn't plan to write a post while sitting

But more time passed and we became in the evenings to arrange online parties. Ideal for that . It is convenient, not demanding the channel and generally well done. Although it was originally designed for business conferences and it is quite a lot of interesting functions (sharing screen, presentations, watching videos, etc.), it turned out that for gatherings with friends it is great. You can choose the mode when you see all the participants on the screen (in the case of the smartphone for 4 on the screen) or a mode in which visible only to the speaker. The second mode you have to turn when the participants too much, but I do not really like. Fun to watch at all, seeing their reactions, what they do is drink tea and get distracted by household chores. Our get-togethers with friends then tightened quite strongly, but to leave we didn't want.

I am a member of one private chat Telegrams (he paid and dedicated to our individual ) where more than 150 participants from all over the world. Mostly adults and adequate people who talk on absolutely any topic that interest them. We are all already well each other learned, but only on the avatars and the country of residence. When someone writes, I myself remember «this is Kostya, he lives in Cyprus» or «this is Mike, he's from Spain», etc. the Geography is very different, but the language of communication in all Russian. And here as an experiment, I created a public meeting in ZOOM, and threw the link in chat.

You know, the result exceeded all my expectations. We spent more than 4 hours and we stopped just what in my time was the third hour of the night. It was nice and interesting to see a completely unfamiliar face and then started to talk, to understand what is chat. That day people login from Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Spain and other countries. Someone actively participated in the conversation, someone came in, sat down and just was «the party». Some even wrote «guys, I will not say anything, you can just sit, watch and listen to your conversations?». For me it was something new and amazing. During the conference, occasionally someone left, someone came, someone drank a beer or smoked cigarettes. People going about their daily chores and were together.

And then I thought, but if not for the coronavirus, I probably would have never learned about thisthe format of group communication. I knew and know what there are practiced, but it never was mass, and I've never participated. Now, I understand that even when our life will go better, I'll be happy to spend time with those who are far from us or even with strangers, by and large, people. It was new, interesting, and … real. If you haven't spent the evening at the ZOOM and in dire need of communication — it's time to start. After all, how much more the whole world will stay at home — no one knows and not to go crazy today.

Share your stories online at get-togethers or in the comments. Maybe your ideas will find inspiration from other readers of the site?

I even liked hanging out in this format


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