It seems that Apple is working on mixed reality headset


2017-11-22 15:30:05




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It seems that Apple is working on mixed reality headset Source:

Rumors that Apple, in one of his labs headset creates a virtual or augmented reality, go . There is some circumstantial evidence. For example, recently it became known that one of the employees of the company during the test, the "certain optical technologies" has damaged his retina. Now the company from Cupertino has acquired the startup VRvana and created a mixed-reality helmet Totem. What would it be? VR headset from Apple to be?

The Company VRvana has introduced its mixed-reality headset at CES this year and caused a lot of noise, having won one of the prestigious awards of Best in Show. The device combines several cameras, unique OLED display that can be displayed as completely opaque and transparent images, and many sensors that allow you to manipulate objects in augmented and virtual reality with the help of hands. What is most surprising: the developers of the headset managed to achieve incredibly low response time: only 3 milliseconds, while others headsets range at around 15-20 milliseconds.

It is too early to judge about what Apple will do with the acquired company. But in any case, cupertinos probably learn the technology of mixed reality. Earlier we already saw how they tried to integrate mixed reality into their gadgets, but what will be the first AR or VR headset the world famous electronics manufacturer – is not yet able to imagine one. Not long ago, Tim cook said in an interview that the low resolution of the displays is a major obstacle, not allowing this technology to be widely adopted. Maybe at least Apple will be able to push virtual reality to the masses?

This year cook the company has also acquired a company specializing in tracking technology sight when working in AR/VR-environment. Prior to this, Apple has repeatedly bought up other small companies and start-UPS related to this field. So now with almost 100% certainty we can say that in the coming years we will see the annual presentation of not only the iPhone and iPad, but "one more thing". And just below you can see the performance of the company's founder VRvana, which tells of its Totem headset.


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