10 reasons for the collapse of the future of bitcoin


2017-11-27 13:00:12




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10 reasons for the collapse of the future of bitcoin Source:

People who are outside the complex and exciting world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin to understand difficult. Many of them waved many years, saying it is a fad that will disappear as quickly as chocolate "Papillon". However, recently this cryptocurrency crossed the threshold of $ 9,000 per unit, and the skeptics started talking differently. Newcomers to urgently invest in bitcoin hoping that the price will rise.

Many investors of the old school just say that this is an economic bubble that will soon burst. But the reasons why Bitcoin would be a bubble in the long run, much deeper. As with any other speculative asset, nobody knows what will happen in the future. It is believed that bitcoin will not survive, and it is backed by many causes. To begin with, take ten.


the bitcoin Blockchain is more important

The Most valuable thing in bitcoin that he presented to the world the technology of the blockchain. It greatly improves speed, privacy and security of sending money. Bitcoin can be sent from one person to another without an intermediary, and the identity of each participant in the chain will be encrypted in a long string of letters and numbers, called the "purse." Blockchain's power. Its potential to change the world can compare to the potential of the Internet. At the moment the blockchain young and the young, but anyone who is familiar with this technology more closely, it becomes possessed, like a prospector of the Wild West.

However, despite the fact that bitcoin was the first currency that presented the world the blockchain, the blockchain could exist without him. If one page on the Internet will "kill" the Internet will not cease to exist. Most people have never seen the first created the web site. It was a blank white page called the World Wide Web with a list of text links. No one can imagine that this very ugly page will transform our world into the one we see today. Improved and faster version of blockchain already come into this world, bringing improvements to the original bitcoin, emerging in a separate cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Ripple. On the market for many cryptocurrencies, which are based on the ever improving technology of the blockchain.


Big Brother is watching

One of the biggest advantages of bitcoin is that it needs to be confidential, secure and immune to hacking. And of course, it will be in the hands of the criminals in the dark the net. The cryptocurrency got a terrible reputation, as soon as it began to be used for the anonymous transfer of money in the process of buying drugs on Silk Road.

In addition, many see in bitcoin a way to evade taxes, which is also a crime in many countries. In 2013, 44% of the bitcoins belonged to people who identified themselves as libertarians. Today in the market a lot of beginners, so the percentage of libertarians less. People invest in bitcoin hoping to get rich, not to help the revolution.

What they don't understand ordinary users of bitcoin, is that even though their names are protected by a chain of numbers and letters, this does not guarantee them complete anonymity. Most of the exchanges that sell bitcoin, like Coinbase, require that new users have uploaded pictures or even passport. In response, the exchange clearly indicates that will store information about the name, address, phone user up to five years and provide them upon the request of the authorities, if necessary.

The FBI has made clear that closely monitoring the development of bitcoin, and thus the identity of the people who use the cryptocurrency for illegal activities, will gradually clear. Of course, not everyone who uses bitcoin is a criminal. In addition, hackers already know that you need to hide the ends in water. For the most part only ordinary users should not expect from bitcoin some privacy. At the moment, cash is the only way to stay incognito.


the Lack of leadership

Bitcoin was created by a mysterious man called Satoshi Nakamoto. Although his true identity there are different stories, sometimes convincing, sometimes not, no one knows exactly who he is. Start the project of Bitcoin, Satoshi supported coders, who created the platform, whenever they have a question. But when investigative agencies around the world have started to look for him, he suddenly disappeared. Possible "Satoshi" visited around the world. But despite all the efforts of law enforcement, his true identity remains a mystery.

Now, coders and miners (those who extract, that is, mainit, bitcoins) will have to come to a consensus every time has to be a decision on the future of bitcoin. Unfortunately, the community cannot even agree on the smallest decisions. No road map for the development of bitcoin in the future there. The community on Reddit is already divided into two separate groups, because you can't negotiate.

Other cryptocurrencies actually have leaders who run them. Acne Buterin — Creator of Ethereum. Brad Garlinghouse from Harvard is the CEO of Ripple. Buterin and Arlinghaus met with the Central banks and the Federal reserve in October 2017, and of Bitcoin no one came because no one.


Laws and rules

In October 2017 China said that it is illegal to create an ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Startups studied, as one would use a blockchain to create their own coins to raise funds. The only downside was that many of these coins were simply fraudulent. Several companies irrevocably took millions of dollars from desperate people who tried to invest in ICO in the hope to get rich.

In new York, all companies that want to accept bitcoin must obtain a license Regulations to work. This license promises to abide by the laws and rules of U.S. taxation. The application is $ 5000. Most companies simply believe that it is not worth the money and time.

In 2014, the IRS released guidance, according to which everyone who receives the profits from the digital currency, has to pay taxes just the same as anyone who sells their stocks or bonds, should pay taxes. If the revolutionaries from the world of Bitcoin adhere to their morality, they will not listen to the IRS. When smells like tax evasion, law enforcement agencies here.


use Cases

Many types of small business in Silicon valley in California to accept Bitcoin as payment, but large companies still only accept cash and cards. If large companies will not use bitcoin to buy and sell stuff, it is unlikely that cryptocurrencies will find wide application, because the very technology of the blockchain can exist without bitcoin. Many experts believe that the blockchain can actually help the financial system, but first she needs to see more successful examples of the application.

Currently the only digital currency that works with the Federal reserve system of the USA, is the property of Ripple. The developers of the currency have proved that can work with large corporations, banks and other companies. They are even going to process financial transactions with American Express. Its own Ripple currency called XRP.

In October of 2017 bill gates said that he chose Ripple for your project, which helps to eradicate poverty in third world countries, although previously advocated for Bitcoin.


the Problems with time and hashing

The longer Bitcoin exists, the harder it becomes "mine", i.e. create a new coin. Without miners the Bitcoin network collapse. The barriers to entry in mining are already too high for the average person, because of the giant warehouses in China, mined huge amounts of bitcoins. In most countries the cost of electricity required for the production of bitcoin will be higher than the cost of the digital currency, making it pointless to even attempt to retrieve it.

The longer Bitcoin exists, the more time you need computers for information processing. The official way bitcoin — "one hour", but anyone who works with this cryptocurrency knows that it is not so. Transactions can take up to six hours, because the system per second is about 15 transactions. There is no guarantee that this will be fixed. Quite the contrary.

And on the contrary, to create a cryptocurrency that can handle 1500 transactions per second and ensure that the infrastructure and technology underlying them, will never slow down. In the digital age people want things to happen instantly, so the slow blockchain is simply unacceptable. The faster the cryptocurrency, the better.


Fear, uncertainty, doubt

The Current bitcoin market is extremely volatile. If Bitcoin is being discussed in the news, its price can vary from hundreds of dollars for a few hours. Fear, uncertainty and doubt too often emerge in the community of miners. If they have at least a hint that bitcoin may become illegal, that they will be able to hack, infect with a virus or something damaging the system, the price will drop dramatically, because people in panic will want to sell them as much as possible.

If the Great depression and the recession in 2008, something we were taught, so just the fact that people will sell bitcoins without hesitation, if they lose faith in themselves. Having no clear idea about where Bitcoin investors can neither what to expect nor what to believe. Many people were rewarded for what used invested in "chops", but the future is too vague.


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