Twitter Cryptopia there are new posts. The exchange is showing signs of life


2019-02-27 18:15:10




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Twitter Cryptopia there are new posts. The exchange is showing signs of life Source:

In mid-January memorable hacking 2019 exchange Cryptopia hacked. The incident for a month of unfortunate events. During this period, hackers managed several times to withdraw funds from the trading floor. According to preliminary calculations, they «earn» tens of millions of dollars.

The Administration of the exchange has responded to the hacking matter. Due to low user awareness, they still had funds on their accounts, which were immediately stolen by the fraudsters. After some time, the user does no longer give any public comments. Finally today in the official account of Cryptopia they tweeted three messages.



one of the employees of the exchange, said about the unavailability of platform to continue its work. According to him, the team must perform the following procedures for the resumption of trading.

Judging by that Twitter account Cryptopia still brought back to life, investors still have hope to see their money. In the first tweet, the exchange's management said on the approximate losses across the company.

We continue to work to eliminate the consequences of the January break-in. According to our calculations, the hackers managed to steal approximately 9.4 percent of all funds of the exchange (in the worst case). Follow our page to be aware of.

About an hour later was published another tweet.

The security Level of each purse is provided separately before bidding. Today will be published new information about the state of Affairs.

Finally, the developers were asked not to send the coins to your old wallets in Cryptopia.

Please do not make deposits to their accounts. Expect more updates tomorrow.

Perhaps today representatives of the stock exchanges will delight us with positive news. And yet you have time to subscribe to our .


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