Charlie Lee: Lightning Network fully corresponds to the original idea of Satoshi Nakamoto


2018-10-08 16:45:08




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Charlie Lee: Lightning Network fully corresponds to the original idea of Satoshi Nakamoto Source:

Yesterday in a series of tweets Charlie Lee explained the difference between transactions of Bitcoin and Litecoin. Mini-lecture the Creator of Litecoin took place almost immediately after the debate Whether and Roger's Faith in Twitter account.


What is Bitcoin different from Litecoin

In the first tweet, Charlie Lee explained the basic differences.He noted that oncein payments in Bitcoin and Lidoine do not work on the principle of peer-to-peer. Coins are sent from users to miners, who then records the transaction in the blockchain. The recipient receives the crypt only when it is recorded in the blockchain. However, this whole process is possible thanks to p2p networks, where distributed transaction.

Lee also touched upon some aspects of peer-to-peer transactions.

The Network works on the principle of p2p, but the p2p cryptopedia not. The sender can bypass the network and directly passed to the miner your coins. Theoretically it does not need to use Bitcoin to make transactions!

The Developer has offered an alternative version of the process. In his opinion, from the transfer of cryptocurrency to exclude even the sender.

It is good that the recipient need not be online to receive coins. The irony is that oncein payments make up some hubs that can connect users to send/receive bitcoins.

Then Lee spoke about the peculiarities of Lightning Network, which is also a p2p-network.

On the other hand, LN-payments based entirely on the principle of peer-to-peer. In this case, both the sender and receiver must be online to make a transaction. By a similar principle works BitTorrent.

It is Noteworthy that the Lightning Network do not need to rely on a third party (miners and other participants in the process).

Since LN is a peer-to-peer network payments inside it can be carried out, even if its individual components are disconnected from the Internet. The sender can deliver the crypt to the recipient even on direct connection without the intervention of a third party.

In the end, the Creator of Litecoin noticed that Lightning Network is fully consistent with the original vision of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto. The principle of operation LN fits header Wallpaper cryptocurrency «A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System».

The Lecture Charlie, or picked up at .


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